doc. Ing. Vladimír Hyánek, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Public Economics
office: 415
Lipová 507/41a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4765, +420 734 239 010 |
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Total number of publications: 105
Research on Giving in Czech Republic
Giving in Europe. The state of research on household donations, corporations, foundations and charity lotteries to charitable organisations in Europe, year: 2017, number of pages: 14 s.
The Relationship between Public Subsidies and Unearned Revenues for Non-profit Organizations: Testing the Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Positions in the Czech Republic
Ekonomický časopis, year: 2017, volume: 65, edition: 3
Workshop AMOB 2017/2018 (Brno)
Year: 2017, type: Popularization text
Explanation of the Donor Decision-making Process in the Czech Republic through a Combination of Influences of Individual Motives
European Financial and Accounting Journal, year: 2016, volume: 2016, edition: 1, DOI
Changes in Revenue Structure in Czech Non-profit Organizations during the Financial Crises: Has the Importance of Public Sources Changed?
Ekonomický časopis, year: 2016, volume: 64, edition: 7
The use of nanotechnologies in vehicle engines storing
17th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells, ABAF 2016, year: 2016
Usefulness of Tax Assignation for the Czech Tax System: The Direction of Debates on Introducing
Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference, year: 2016
How to Measure the Effect of Public Income on the Structure of Resources and Production of Non-profit Organizations
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference - Current Trends in Public Sector Research., year: 2015
Motives for Donating in the Czech Republic
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Motives for Donating: What Inspires Our Decisions to Make a Donation to Non-profit Organisations?
Národohospodářský obzor, year: 2015, volume: 2015, edition: 4, DOI