prof. Steven Saxonberg, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Social Policy and Social Work
Total number of publications: 126
Uteslutningsmekanismer och etnisk reproduktion inom Akademin,
Utbildningens Dilemma: Demokratiska ideal och andrafierande praxis, year: 2006, number of pages: 59 s.
Globalization or Glocalization? A comparison of advertising in Poland and Sweden
Nationalisms Across the Globe: An Overview of Nationalisms in State-Endowed and Stateless Nations, year: 2005, number of pages: 21 s.
Kościół szwedzki a promocja praw gejów w Szwecji
Homoseksualizm. Perspektywa interdyscyplinarna, year: 2005, number of pages: 13 s.
Political Parties of the World, year: 2005, number of pages: 1111 s.
Transition Matters: Bringing Welfare Attitudes into the Debate
European Societies, year: 2005, volume: 7/2005, edition: 2
Attitudes Toward Welfare Policy in Sweden Revisited
Statsvetenskapliga tidskrift, year: 2004, volume: 106/2003-4, edition: 1
Markers of Polish and Swedish Identity in Newspaper and Magazine Advertisements
Materialy z IV Konferencji Miedzynarodowej “Panstwo i Spoleczenstwo, year: 2004
Model szwedzki ma sie dobrze - wbrew neoliberalnym atakom
Problemy Polityki Spolecznej, year: 2004, volume: 7/2004, edition: 7
Revolutionary and Dissident Movements of the World, edition: Vyd. xx, year: 2004, number of pages: 2 s.
Beyond the Transitology-Area Studies Debate
Problems of Post-Communism, year: 2003, volume: 50/2003, edition: 3