prof. PhDr. Petr Kyloušek, CSc.
Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. G/G.110
Gorkého 57/7
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4581 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Office hours
Tuesday 10-12and by appointment
Courses taught
Spring 2010 at Faculty of Arts
- Optional lecture II
- Optional lecture III
- Optional lecture IV
- Paper in Foreign Language I
- Paper in Foreign Language II
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference in Czechia I
- Research and Study (LKDS25, LKDS31, LKDS32, ROMDSPVL)
- Romance Literatures Comparative Approach
- Semester Colloquium (LIKODSK, LKDSK)
- Semestrial Control
- Scholarly work I
- Scholarly work II
- Scholarly work III
- Specialisation According to the Subject of the Thesis
- Strange Language - Variant A-II
- Supplementary Activity I
- Supplementary Activity II
- Supplementary Activity III
- Supplementary Activity IV
- Teaching in the Workplace I
- Teaching in the Workplace II
- The "Hussard" Literary Movement
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language I
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language II
- The Published Special Text in the Czech Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Published Special Text in the Foreign Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Workshop of Literary Studies
- Theatre of French Canada
- Theory of Literature (FJI2A018aX, FJIA018, IJIA017, POIA207, POIIA207, UZPOA207)
- Writing Seminar I
- Writing Seminar II (LKDS22, ROMDTPL2)
- Writing Seminar III
- Writing Seminar IV (LKDS24, ROMDTPL4)
Autumn 2009 at Faculty of Arts
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation (LK_D55, LKDS56, ROMDP)
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis (LKDS55, ROMDTDPL)
- Doctoral Exam
- Doctoral seminar I
- Doctoral seminar II
- Doctoral seminar III
- Doctoral seminar IV
- French Literature I (FJI1A012X, FJI2A019X, FJIA012, UZFJ1A105X)
- French Literature III
- French Literature Seminar Paper V
- French Literature Seminar Paper 1
- French Literature Seminar Paper 2
- French Literature Seminar Paper I
- French Literature Seminar Paper III
- French Literature V
- French-Canadian Literature
- Introduction to Criticisme
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Seminar
- Master's Thesis Seminar II
- Optional lecture I
- Optional lecture II
- Optional lecture III
- Optional lecture IV
- Paper in Foreign Language I
- Paper in Foreign Language II
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference in Czechia I
- Quebec literature and identity
- Research and Study (LKDS25, LKDS31, LKDS32, ROMDSPVL)
- Romance Literatures:Comparative Approach
- Semester Colloquium (LIKODSK, LKDSK)
- Semestrial Control
- Scholarly work I