prof. PhDr. Petr Kyloušek, CSc.
Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. G/G.110
Gorkého 57/7
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4581 |
e‑mail: | |
social and academic networks: |
Office hours
Tuesday 10-12and by appointment
Courses taught
Autumn 2023 at Faculty of Arts
- Research Seminar - Guest Lecturers Series (A)
- Review in Scientific Journal
- Roman Literature I
- Romance Literatures: Comparative Approach
- Scientific paper A
- Scientific paper B
- Scientific paper I
- Scientific paper II
- Scientific/Literary reviewing
- Scholarly Article
- Scholarly Article (published abroad)
- Scholarly Article (published in the Czech Republic)
- Scholarly paper - conference presentation I
- Scholarly paper - conference presentation II
- Scholarly paper - conference presentation III
- State Exam (FJ2A042, PRFJ011, UZFJA115)
- Supplementary Activity
- Supplementary Activity I (NARD55, ROMDAK1)
- Supplementary Activity II
- Teaching a Specialized Course
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language I
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language II
- The Published Special Text in the Czech Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Published Special Text in the Foreign Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- Theory of Culture Areas
- Translation of pragmatic texts
- Vybrané kapitoly z frankofonních lingvistických a kulturních studií Severní Ameriky
- World Literature and World Literatures
- Writing Seminar I
- Writing seminar I
- Writing Seminar II
- Writing seminar II
- Writing seminar III
- Writing seminar IV
- Written Test
Spring 2023 at Faculty of Arts
- Doktorský seminář
- Allocation of a grant
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar I
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II
- Correct writing for translators
- Diploma Thesis Seminar - Master (PRZA010, PRZA011)
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Doctoral Exam
- Doctoral seminar I
- Doctoral seminar II
- Doctoral seminar III
- Doctoral seminar IV
- Doctoral Thesis
- Doctoral Thesis Abstract
- French Literature II
- French Literature IV
- French Literature VI
- Grant application
- Introduction to Criticism
- Literary interpretation and translation
- Master's Thesis (FJ2A053, FJU2A053, PRFJ013)
- Master's Thesis Seminar I (FJ2A051, FJ2A051a)
- Master's Thesis Seminar II (FJ2A052, FJU2A052)
- Multilingualism and cultural interfaces
- Optional lecture I
- Optional lecture II
- Optional lecture III
- Optional lecture IV
- Paper in Foreign Language I
- Paper in Foreign Language II
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference in Czechia I
- Popularization activities: publishing and lecturing activities
- Quebec Drama
- Research and Study (LKDS25, ROMDSPVL)
- Research and Study Stay I
- Research and Study Stay II
- Research and Study Stay III
- Research and Study Stay IV
- Research Seminar - Departmental Series
- Research Seminar - Guest Lecturers Series (B)
- Roman Literature II
- Romance Literatures Comparative Approach
- Scientific paper A
- Scientific paper B