doc. Mgr. Daniel Nývlt, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Geography
office: pav. 05/02021
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5846 |
e‑mail: |
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Total number of publications: 156
Lacustrine systems of Clearwater Mesa (James Ross Island, northeastern Antarctic Peninsula): geomorphological setting and limnological characterization
Antarctic Science, year: 2019, volume: 31, edition: 4, DOI
Late-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes at Lake Esmeralda (Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula) based on a multi-proxy analysis of laminated lake sediment
The Holocene, year: 2019, volume: 29, edition: 7, DOI
Micromorphology of colluvio aeolian sediments from Kolnovice site, Czechia
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Patterns of spatio-temporal paraglacial response in the Antarctic Peninsula region and associated ecological implications
Earth-Science Reviews, year: 2019, volume: 192, edition: 1, DOI
Periglacial environment and related processes at the foothill of Eastern Sudetes Mts.
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Permafrost and active layer research on James Ross Island: An overview
Czech Polar Reports, year: 2019, volume: 9, edition: 1, DOI
Permafrost v Antarktidě
Vesmír, year: 2019, volume: 98, edition: 30
Preservation of delicate preglacial landscape under warm based ice sheet – evidence from Žulová Hilly Land and palaeoglaciological implications (Eastern Sudetes Foreland, Czechia)
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Surface mass balance of Davies Dome and Whisky Glacier on James Ross Island, north-eastern Antarctic Peninsula, based on different volume-mass conversion approaches
Czech Polar Reports, year: 2019, volume: 9, edition: 1, DOI
The origin of low-Ca olivine from ultramafic xenoliths and host basaltic lavas in a back-arc setting, James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Lithos, year: 2019, volume: 342-343, edition: OCT 2019, DOI