doc. RNDr. Marie Kummerová, CSc.
Associate professor, Section of Experimental Plant Biology
office: bldg. C13/217
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5475 |
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 126
The influence of fluoranthene on the primary processes of photosynthesis of pea leaf and isolated chloroplasts.
Ecophysiology of plant stress. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, year: 2002
Effect of fluoranthene on growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in faba bean and sunflower.
Plant Production, year: 2001, volume: Vol.47, edition: 8
Odezva salátu (Lactuca sativa L.), cibule (Allium cepa L.) a rajčete (Solanum lycopersicum L.) na přítomnost fotomodifikovaného fluoranthenu v prostředí.
Sborník, Ovzduší 2001, year: 2001
Phytotoxicity of iron in relation to its solubility conditions and the effect of ionic strength
Plant and Soil, year: 2001, volume: 235, edition: 1
Terminologický slovník z cytologie a anatomie rostlin
Year: 2001
Terminologický slovník z cytologie a anatomie rostlin.
Year: 2001, number of pages: 28 s.
The influence of fluoranthene on the growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).
Sborník, Xth Days of Plant Physiology, year: 2001
The multimedial CD-ROM "Plant cytology and anatomy"
Scripta Fac.Sci.Nat.Univ. Masaryk Brun. Biology, Vol.27, year: 2001
Využití fluorescence chlorofylu k posouzení krátkodobého působeni fluoranthenu na primární procesy fotosyntézy bobu obecného (Vicia faba L.) a slunečnice roční (Helianthus annuus L.).
Sborník, Ovzduší 2001, year: 2001
CD - ROM for teaching of plant anatomy and cytology
Němcův cytologický den, year: 2000