prof. MUDr. RNDr. Svatopluk Čech, DrSc.
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Total number of publications: 160
Základy embryologie člověka
Year: 1997, edition: Vyd. První-dotisk, number of pages: 114 s.
37. sjezd České anatomické společnosti
Univerzitní noviny, year: 1996, volume: 3, edition: 10-11
37th Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society with International Participation
Acta Veterinaria Brno, year: 1996, volume: 65, edition: 4
Regional differences in expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in bovine lenses
Abstracts of the Symposium with International Participation Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry, year: 1996
Regional differences of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in bovine lens epithelium
Scripta medica, year: 1996, volume: 69, edition: 6
Regionální rozdíly glukózo-6-fosfát dehydrogenázové aktivity v epitelu čočky skotu
Abstrakta 37.sjezdu České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí, year: 1996
Submicroscopic distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium during postnatal development of the mouse
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, year: 1996, volume: 8, edition: 4
Submicroscopic visualisation and distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviductal epithelium of the mouse before sexual maturity
Verh. Anat. Ges., Supplementheft zum 178. Band des Anat. Anz. - Annals Anatomy, year: 1996, volume: 178, edition: 91
The elastic-fibre system of the human uterine tube
Scripta medica (Brno), year: 1996, volume: 69, edition: 6
Ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium of sexual immature mouse females
Plzeň. lék. sborn., year: 1996, volume: 63, edition: 2