prof. Ivan Foletti, MA, Docteur es Lettres, Docent in Church History
Head, Centre for Early Medieval Studies
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. K/119
Veveří 470/28
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3480 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 520
The Holy Mountain and a New Hierotopy : Migrating Art Historians on the Sacred Way
Year: 2017, type: Popularization text
The Holy Mountain and a New Hierotopy : Migrating Art Historians on the Sacred Way
Year: 2017, type:
Un dialogo inevitabile : l’ambone palinsesto di Sant’Ambrogio a Milano
Survivals, revivals, rinascenze. Studi in onore di Serena Romano, year: 2017, number of pages: 18 s.
Vědeckost jako pozitivistická chiméra. Dějiny umění, Nikodim Kondakov a Rusko 19. století
Věda a umění. Sborník 5. sjezdu historiků umění, year: 2017
Vivre le pe'lerinage (médiéval) : une expérience corporelle. Le projet «Historiens de l’art migrateurs» a' Conques
Year: 2017, type:
Walking and the Iconic Presence
Year: 2017, type: Workshop
Zápisky z Cest 3 – Moskva & Novgorod
Year: 2017, type: Editorship of scientific publication
Zápisky z cest 3. Moskva & Novgorod
Year: 2017, type:
A Singing Door: Images, Space and Sound in the Santa Sabina Narthex
Year: 2016, type:
Ani bůh ani člověk
Year: 2016, type: Editorship of scientific publication