prof. MUDr. Roman Janisch, DrSc.
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Total number of publications: 162
Changes of RNA distribution during the regeneration of Paramecium caudatum
Jornal of Protozoology, (Suppl.), year: 1975, volume: 22
Oriented embedding of single-cell organisms
Stain Technology, year: 1974, volume: 49
Structure of L cells and LC cells as revealed by freeze-etching and electrm microscopic methods
Physiol. Bohemoslov., year: 1974, volume: 23
Ultrastructural changes during the excystment of Colpoda cucullus
Journal of Protozoology, (Suppl.), year: 1974, volume: 21
Fine structure of the protective cysts of Colpoda cucullus as revealed by freeze-etching
Journal of Protozoology, Suppl., year: 1972, volume: 19
Pellcle of Paramecium caudatum as revealed by freeze-etching
Journal of Protozoology, year: 1972, volume: 19
Macronuclear reorganization durin the regeneration of infusorian Blepharisma undulans americanum
Scripta medica, year: 1971, volume: 44
Ultzrastructure of the Cortex of Paramecium caudatum as reveales by Freeze-etching
Journal of Protozoology, year: 1971, volume: 18 (Suppl)
Diferenciace buněčných struktur
Year: 1970, type: R&D Presentation
Morfogeneze při regenraci prvoků
Biologické listy, year: 1970, volume: 35