prof. MUDr. Marie Nováková, Ph.D.

Department head, Pedagogical Competence Unit

correspondence Address:
Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno

office: bldg. K2/330
Komenského nám. 220/2
602 00 Brno

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phone: +420 603 243 772
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Basic information

Academic and management positions

MU Faculty or unit Pedagogical Competence UnitCompetence Development Centre
Job classification Department head
MU Faculty or unit Department of PhysiologyFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Department vice-head

Membership in academic and other bodies at MU


MU Faculty or unit Department of PhysiologyFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Professor
Mobile phone +420 603 243 772
MU Faculty or unit Pedagogical Competence UnitCompetence Development Centre
Job classification Head of the Department for Development of Pedagogical Competences
Office bldg. K2/330Komenského nám. 220/2, Brno-město, Brno
Mobile phone +420 603 243 772
MU Faculty or unit Rector's OfficeRector's Office (part-time cooperation)

Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 1188
Internal information Portál MU IS MU

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