doc. Mgr. František Tůma, Ph.D.
Department of English and American Studies
office: bldg. G/G.304
Gorkého 57/7
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 8298 |
e‑mail: | |
social and academic networks: |
Field of study: Didactics of Foreign Language
Topics of doctoral theses (consultant)
- Ekvivalence testových verzí slovenské maturitní zkoušky z anglického jazyka – graduate 2020
- Accuracy Matters: Exploring the Accuracy of Advanced Learner English in Czech Tertiary Education – graduate 2020
- Rozvoj diskurzivní kompetence v cizojazyčném akademickém psaní v důsledku intervence realizované v prostředí LMS Informačního systému Masarykovy univerzity a aplikace Peer-review – graduate 2016
- Mnohojazyčnost ve výuce němčiny jako dalšího cizího jazyka – graduate 2016
Field of study: Experimental and Applied Linguistics
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Correction Practices: Investigating correction in interaction in various EFL classrooms in Czechia – ongoing study
- Management of Learner's Participation during EFL Teacher-Fronted Activities in the Czech Secondary Education (A Conversation Analysis Study) – ongoing study
Field of study: Experimental and Applied Linguistics
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Grammatical errors in the speech of Czech university learners of English – ongoing study