doc. Mgr. Mário Ziman, Ph.D.
Total number of publications: 83
Short introduction to quantum entanglement
Year: 2007, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Towards Quantum-based Election Scheme
Quantum Communication and Security (edited by Marek Żukowski, Sergei Kilin, Janusz Kowalik), year: 2007, number of pages: 9 s.
Unambiguous coherent state identification: Searching quantum database
Physical Review A, year: 2007, volume: Vol. 76, edition: No. 2
CEQIP 2006
Year: 2006, type: Workshop
Entanglement vs. local operations
Year: 2006, type: Requested lectures
Entanglement, purity and energy: Two qubits vs Two modes
Physical Review A, year: 2006, volume: Vol. 74, edition: No. 4
Estimation of potentially unphysical maps
Open Systems & Information Dynamics, year: 2006, volume: Vol. 13, edition: No. 3
Programmable Quantum Processors
Quantum Information Processing, year: 2006, volume: Vol. 5, edition: No. 5
Programmable quantum state discriminators with simple programs
Physical Review A, year: 2006, volume: Vol. 73, edition: No. 6
Quantum process estimation procedures
Year: 2006, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings