Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý, Ph.D.
Curriculum vitae
- Name, first names, scientific degrees
- Brzobohaty,Oto,master of science
- Department/Faculty/University
- Department of Physical Electronics/Faculty of Science/Masaryk University in Brno
- Teaching activities
- Electricity and magnetism
- Research activities
- Computer simulation of processes in plasma.
- Professional stays abroad
- Socrates/Erasmus:Technical University Munich, Germany
- Major publications
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, David NEČAS, Miroslav VALTR a David TRUNEC. Influence of substrate material on plasma indeposition/sputtering reactor: experiment and computer simulation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Bristol, England: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2008, roč. 41, č. 035213, s. 1-8. ISSN 0022-3727. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto a David TRUNEC. Study of Attachment and Detachment Reactions in Flowing Afterglow via Computer Simulation. In 16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Podbanské, Slovakia: Skalný, 2007, s. 133-134. ISBN 80-89186-13-0. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto a David TRUNEC. Influence of the Ramsauer minimum on the plasma characteristics studied via computer simulation. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Praha: Akademie ved CR, 2006, roč. 56, Suppl. B, s. 665-671. ISSN 0011-4626. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto a David TRUNEC. The Role of Secondary Electrons in Low Pressure RF Discharge via Computer Simulation. In SAPP XV. Podbanske, Slovakia: Karol Hensel, 2005, s. 135-137, 2 s. ISBN 80-223-2018-8. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto a David TRUNEC. The Role of Secondary Electrons in Low Pressure rf Glow Discharge. In WDS 2005 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Prague: MATFYZPRESS, 2005, s. 306-313, 6 s. ISBN 80-86732-59-2. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a David TRUNEC. Mirror effect in PECVD reactor and its explanation via MC-PIC computer simulation. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Prague, Czech Republic: Institute of Physics, Acad. Sci. CR,, 2004, roč. 2004, č. 54, s. C527-C532, 6 s. ISSN 0011-4626. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a David TRUNEC. Monte Carlo and Particle in Cell Simulation of Mirror Effect in PECVD reactor. In WDS'04 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II. Prague, (Czech republic): MATFYZPRESS, 2004, s. 287-292. ISBN 80-86732-32-0. info
- BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ a Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ. Optical Properties of Si Incorporated Diamond-like Carbon Films Deposited by RF PECVD. In JUNIORMAT 01. 1. vyd. Brno: ÚMI VUT FSI v Brně ve spolupráci s Českou společností pro nové materiály a technologie, 2001, s. 144-145. ISBN 80-214-1885-0. info
- PRYČKOVÁ, Jana, Deepak Prasad SUBEDI, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ a Oto BRZOBOHATÝ. Stanovení povrchové energie tenkých vrstev nanášených v plazmatu vysokofrekvenčního výboje. In JUNIORMAT 01. 1. vyd. Brno: ÚMI VUT FSI v Brně ve spolupráci s Českou společností pro nové materiály a technologie, 2001, s. 230-231. ISBN 80-214-1885-0. info