PhDr. Petr Macek, Ph.D.
Department head, Department of Musicology
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. N/07011
Janáčkovo nám. 654/2a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4770 |
e‑mail: | |
Courses taught
Spring 2022 at Faculty of Arts
- Work Experience in the cultural institutions I.
- Work Placement Abroad (HV_16, VH_16)
Autumn 2021 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachalor degree thesis (HV_38a, HVK_25, VH_38a, VHK_25)
- Bachelor Dissertation (US_30, USK_19)
- Bachelor exam (HV_39, HVK_26, US_31, USK_20, VH_39, VHK_26)
- Bachelor Exam for Minor
- Basics of PC work (HV_10a, VH_10a)
- Diploma Seminar II.
- Dissertation topic
- Excursion to monuments of art (SUS_95, US_95)
- External Workshop - introduction to HV, US, and TIM
- Extraordinary credits (HV_99, VH_99)
- Final Essay
- Final State Examination (IMN_SZZ, TIM_M_SZZ)
- Historical Musicology I
- Historical Musicology II
- International internship
- Introduction to Musicology (HV_01a, HVK_01a)
- Music Notation on PC for Advanced Learners (HV_51, VH_51)
- Musicological Paper 1
- Musicological Paper 2
- Musicological Paper 3
- Musicological seminar 1
- Musicological seminar 2
- Musicological seminar 3
- Musicological seminar 4
- Musicological seminar 5
- Musicological seminar 6
- Pedagogical practice
- Practical courses 1
- Practical courses 2
- Praxis in Cultural Institutions I. (SUS_04, US_04)
- Proseminar of Musicology I (HV_02a, HVK_02a)
- Publication and paper in foreign language 1
- Publication and paper in foreign language 2
- Research Paper 1
- Research Paper 2
- Seminar of Music Lexicography (HV_700a, VH_700a)
- Special lecture 1
- Special lecture 2
- Special lecture 3
- Special lecture 4
- Special lecture of Systematical Musicology
- Special lecture of Historical Musicology
- State Bachelor's Exam (IMBc001, TIM_B_SZZ)
- State Bachelor's Exam for Minor
- State final examenation (HV_43, MVK_03, MVKU_03)
- State final examenation for minor
- State final examination
- Systematical Musicology I
- Systematical Musicology II
- Teaching Practice I
- Text preparation 1
- Text preparation 2
- Text preparation 3
- Text preparation 4
- Text preparation 5
- Text preparation 6
- The Management of Academic Research
- Thesis (HV_42a, HVK_42, MVK_02, MVK_02a, MVKU_02, VHDDP)
- Work Experience (MVK_10, MVKU_10, UEV_01)