prof. MUDr. Mgr. Jiří Pařenica, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology
correspondence Address:
Jihlavská 340/20, 625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 532 23 2651 |
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 298
Right ventricle STEMI-strong negative predictor for ever?
Acute cardiac care, year: 2008, volume: 10, edition: suppl.3
The use of levosimendan in clinical practise - only decompesated heart failure or de-novo as well?
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
The use of levosimendan in clinical praktice - only decompensated heart failure or de-novo as well?
Slovenska kardiologija, year: 2008, volume: 5, edition: suppl.1
Úloha polymorfizmu v promotoru genu pro MMP3 ve vztahu k akutnímu infarktu myokardu (AIM) - pilotní studie
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Unstable angina as a protection factor in patients with STEMI treated by PCI
Acute cardiac care, year: 2008, volume: 10, edition: suppl.3
Unstable angina in patients with STEMI treated by PCI as a protection factor of short - term survival
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Vývoj autonomních parametrů u pacientů po infarktu myokardu s ST elevacemi
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Akutní infarkt s angiograficky normálními věnčitými tepnami (MINCA) nebo akutní myokarditida u mladých pacientů - dokážeme je rozlišit?
Interv Akut Kardiol, year: 2007, volume: 6, edition: suppl.C
Costs and length of stay in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure
Value in Health, year: 2007, volume: Vol. 10, edition: No. 6
Embolizace větví arteria mesenterica superior jako komplikace přímé koronární angioplastiky řešená lokální trombolýzou
Cor et Vasa, year: 2007, volume: 49, edition: 4