prof. PhDr. Jiří Kroupa, CSc.
Professor, Department of Art History
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. K/306
Veveří 470/28
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4329 |
e‑mail: |
Courses taught
Spring 2012 at Faculty of Arts
- Master's thesis
- Methodological proseminar: System-theoretical approaches in the Arthistory
- PhD. Dissertation Thesis
- PhD. Degree Semestral Colloquium
- PhD. Degree State Examitation
- Seminar: Santini contra Dientzenhofer
- Study of sources, research
- The exercises course: The "pratica in the early modern architecture
- Thesis Seminar (DU1661b, DU1662b)
- Thesis Seminar II
- Writing Seminar
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Arts
- 17th Century Architecture
- An Introduction in the Art History I: The Architecture
- Architect Nicodemus Tessin the Younger and the academic Baroque in Europe ca 1700
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Degree Examination
- Degree Paper
- Doctoral dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Master Degree Paper
- Master Degree Paper Seminar
- Master's thesis
- PhD. Degree State Examination
- PhD. Degree Semestral Colloquium
- Seminar: Methods in the Arthistory
- Study of sources, research
- Thesis Seminar (DU1661b, DU1662b)
- Thesis Seminar I
- Writing Seminar
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Law
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Education
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Social Studies
Spring 2011 at Faculty of Arts
- Architecture in the 18th Century
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Degree Examination
- Degree Paper
- Enigma loci (Architecture, men and landscape 16th - 18th Century)
- Essay to the Gradual Examination
- Master Degree Paper Seminar
- Master's Degree Paper
- Master's thesis
- Methodological Seminar: History of the Art History
- PhD. Dissertation Thesis
- PhD. Degree Semestral Colloquium
- PhD. Degree State Examitation
- Study of sources, research
- Subject Seminar: Architecture (Form and Function)
- Thesis Seminar (DU1661b, DU1662b)
- Thesis Seminar II
- Villa and summerhouse (Renaissance - Baroque - Historism)
- Writing Seminar
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Arts
- 17th Century Architecture
- An Introduction in the Art History I: The Architecture
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Degree Examination
- Degree Paper
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Master Degree Paper
- Master Degree Paper Seminar
- Master's thesis
- PhD. Degree State Examination
- PhD. Degree Semestral Colloquium
- Seminar: Intention and context in architecture
- Study of sources, research
- Thesis Seminar (DU1661b, DU1662b)
- Thesis Seminar I
- Writing Seminar
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Law
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Education
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Social Studies
Spring 2010 at Faculty of Arts
- Architecture in the 18th Century
- Baroque Rome
- Degree Examination
- Degree Paper
- Doctoral dissertation
- Essay to the Gradual Examination
- History of the Modern Architecture
- Master Degree Paper Seminar
- Master's Degree Paper
- Methods of the Art history
- PhD. Dissertation Thesis
- PhD. Degree Semestral Colloquy
- PhD. Degree State Examitation
- Seminar:
- Seminar: 19th Century Architectonic Dekoration in Brno
- Seminar: Garden Architecture in Early Modern Times