doc. Mgr. Dana Stehlíková, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Classical Studies
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. A/A.211
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6641 |
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social and academic networks: |
Office hours
Courses taught
Autumn 2019 at Faculty of Arts
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Doctoral Exam
- Doctoral Seminar I (LMD_DS1, LMD_DSZJ1)
- Doctoral Seminar III (LMD_DS3, LMD_DSZJ3)
- Doctoral Seminar V (LMD_DS5, LMD_DSZJ5)
- Doctoral Seminar VII (LMD_DS7, LMD_DSZJ7)
- Foreign language
- Individual Reading of Vulgate
- Latin Literature of the Medieval Europe from 5th to 11th century
- Literary Life at Medieval Universities
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- M. A. Final Thesis Seminar
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Magister of Arts Final Thesis Seminar
- Master's Minor Thesis (LJMedD03, LJMgrObor)
- Master's Thesis
- Medieval Interpretative Seminar
- Reading "Carmina Burana"
- Reading Boethius
- Reading the European and Bohemian medieval poetry
- Reading Vergil
- Research and Study
- Research and Study II
- Research and Study III
- Research and Study IV
- Research Study Abroad I
- Research Study Abroad II
- Research Study Abroad III
- Research Study Abroad IV
- Supplementary Activity
- Writing Seminar
Spring 2019 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Conference Paper
- Latin Literature of the Medieval Europe, 12th and 13th century
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II (LJMedD05, LJMgrD02)
- M. A. Final Thesis Seminar (LJMedD04, LJMgrD03)
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Master's Minor Thesis (LJMedD03, LJMgrObor)
- Master's Thesis (LJMedD01, LJMgrDipl)
- Reading "Carmina Burana"
- Reading Boethius
- Reading the European and Bohemian medieval poetry
Autumn 2018 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Introduction to Medieval Latin
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- M. A. Final Thesis Seminar
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Magister of Arts Final Thesis Seminar
- Master's Minor Thesis (LJMedD03, LJMgrObor)
- Master's Thesis
- Reading "Carmina Burana"
- Reading Boethius
- Reading the European and Bohemian medieval poetry
- Reading Vergil
Spring 2018 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Conference Paper
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II (LJMedD05, LJMgrD02)
- M. A. Final Thesis Seminar (LJMedD04, LJMgrD03)
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Master's Minor Thesis (LJMedD03, LJMgrObor)
- Master's Thesis (LJMedD01, LJMgrDipl)
- Reading "Carmina Burana"
- Reading Boethius
- Reading the European and Bohemian medieval poetry