doc. PhDr. Jiří Kudrnáč, CSc.
Associate professor, Department of Information and Library Studies
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. C/C.127
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4497 |
e‑mail: |
Courses taught
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Arts
- A Comprehensive Examination in Czech (CJA048, CJQ035)
- A Thesis Seminar (CJX013, CJX018, CJX019, UZCJX018)
- A Thesis Seminar, Pt. I (CJX011, UZCJX011)
- A Thesis Seminar, Pt. II (CJX012, UZCJX012)
- BA thesis (CJX016, CJX017)
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis Seminar
- Comparative Studies
- Conference Presentation
- Conference Presentation in a Foreign Language
- Czech Literature 1895-1945
- Czech Literature 1895-1945 foc Bachelors
- Czech Literature of the 19th century Follow-up Studies - Seminar
- Czech Literature of the 19th Century I
- Departmant Colloquium
- Digest of Czech Literature History I.
- Doctoral Dissertation (CLDS02, LKDS56)
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis (CLDS20, LKDS55)
- Essay in Professional Periodicals
- Final State-certified Examination in Czech
- Literature and Area
- MA thesis (CJX014, CJX015, UZCJX014, UZCJX015)
- Methodology in Czech Literary Studies
- Other Courses of that at the Faculty of Arts
- Paper in Foreign Language I
- Paper in Foreign Language II
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference in Czechia I
- Pedagogical Activity I
- Pedagogical Activity II
- Presentation in Predoctoral Circle
- Publication and Conference Presentation in a Foreign Language
- Research and study
- Research and Study (LKDS25, LKDS31, LKDS32)
- Review in Professional Periodicals I
- Review in Professional Periodicals II
- Selective Course
- Sem. Colloquium
- Semester Colloquium (LIKODSK, LKDSK)
- Teaching in the Workplace I
- Teaching in the Workplace II
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language I
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language II
- The Published Special Text in the Czech Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Published Special Text in the Foreign Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- Writing Seminar I (CLDS16, CLDS23, LKDS21)
- Writing Seminar II (CLDS17, LKDS22)
- Writing Seminar III (CLDS18, LKDS23)
- Writing Seminar IV (CLDS19, LKDS24)
Spring 2011 at Faculty of Arts
- Kapitoly ze srovnávací literární teorie 20. století
- A Comprehensive Examination in Czech
- A Thesis Seminar (CJX013, CJX018, CJX019, UZCJX018)
- A Thesis Seminar, Pt. I (CJX011, UZCJX011)
- A Thesis Seminar, Pt. II (CJX012, UZCJX012)
- BA thesis (CJX016, CJX017)
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis Seminar
- Comparative Studies
- Conference Presentation
- Conference Presentation in a Foreign Language
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Czech Literary Tradition
- Czech Literature of the 19th century
- Czech Literature of the 19th Century