Ing. Martin Jaroš
Head of IT Division, IT Division
office: bldg. K2/326
Komenského nám. 220/2
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4504 |
e‑mail: |
European Digital UniverCity - Building the bridging alliance (101089535)
MU Researcher: Ing. Violeta Osouchová MU Faculty or unit: Centre for International Cooperation Project Period: 10/2022 — 12/2026Investor: European Union / Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices -
Digitalizace MU 2019 (DIGI)
MU Researcher: Ing. Martin Veselý MU Faculty or unit: Institute of Computer Science Project Period: 1/2019 — 12/2019Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Other grant projects