Mgr. Alena Skotáková, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Department of Physical Education and Social Sciences
office: bldg. D33/313
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3644 |
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Curriculum vitae
- Person Identification
- Alena Skotáková, 29.5.1977 Brno, 2 children
- Workplace
- Division of Gymnastics - Department of gymnastics and combatives - Faculty of Sports Studies, Kamenice 5, Brno, 625 00
- Employment Position
- asistent
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2004 - Ph.D. field Kinanthropology on Faculty of Sports Studies
- 1995 - 2000 - Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University Brno, study field Special pedagogy - Physical Education
- 1991 - 1995 - Secondary pedagogical school Boskovice, field pedagogy
- Employment Summary
- 2008 - Division of Gymnastics - Department of gymnastics and combatives - Faculty of Sports Studies (asisstent)
- 2003 - Division of Gymnastics - Department of Sport education - Faculty of Sports Studies
- 2000 - 2002- external teacher in School of Art (division of Dance and Muzical)
- 2001 - 2002 external teacher of studio "Žabka" (teacher of aerobics)
- 2000 - 2001 external teacher of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (teacher of jazz dance)
- 1995 - 2006 - external teacher in Private School of Art (teacher of dance)
- Pedagogical Activities
- Teaching in programme of Master's and Bachelor's Studies at the Faculty of Sports Studies in sports and physical education,rhytmic gymnastics, dancing, special pedagogy, adapted physical education, movement therapy
- Scientific and Research Activities
- CZ.02.3.62/0.0/0.0/16_037/0004872 - Quality of inclusion of pupils with special needs
- MUNI/51/03/2017 Support and implementation of inclusive education in FSpS
- MUNI/A/0966/2013 Evaluation of methodology of self defense of people with visually impaired
- CZ.1.07/1.3.00/48.0019 The increasing the lecturing capacities of pedagogical staff in kindergartens and elementary schools in the field of motion propedeutics (gymnastics and dance) and personal development
- ROZV/20/FSpS/05/2015 Evaluation of methodology of self defense of people with physical disabilities using a wheelchairs
- MUNI/A/1300/2015 Influence of self-defense course on some mental characteristics of people with disabilities in the wheelchair
- MUNI/FR/1206/2015 Innovation of Inclusive Education courses
- FRVŠ - project 2328/2006 - Inovation of subject Adapted physical activities
- FRVS/53/2009 Inovace of course Dance
- Grant of Fakulty - Metodic material for sport gymnastics
- Grant of faculty - Comparative pilot project of level of coorination abilities of visually handicapped children from 14 to 17 year in Poland
- Cooperation on grant FRVŠ - Education of future teachers of physical education in work with handicapped people (research worker Doc. Kopřivová)
- Academical Stays
- 15.2. - 15.3. 2002 - Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu, Polsko
- 6.4. - 30.4. 2002 - Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wroclawiu, Polsko
- 2003 - Prague - workshop Power Yoga
- 19. - 23.3. 2003 - Magdeburg (cooperation on an international grant)
- 11. - 14.9. 2003 - Magdeburg (teaching on special workshop - Power Yoga)
- 20.7. - 20.8.2005 - National Sports Academy Sophia
- 25. - 30.5. 2016 - University of Worcester
- 21. - 25.5. 2017 . University of Porto
- 9. - 15- 9. 2018 - University of MAgdeburg
- Extrauniversity Activities
- 1996 - member of VSK Brno - European Championship Finland 1996, Euroteam
- 2001 - present - member KSG Moravská Slavia Brno - European Championship 2002, Euroteam
- 2001 - present - aerobics fitness instructor
- Choreography cooperation in theatre 7 a půl, in theatre group ZUŠ Blansko
- 2009 - present- A member of OS Tandem'
- 2009 - současnost - externí lektor v Centru tance Brno
- Selected Publications
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena, Jana SKLENAŘÍKOVÁ, Lenka SVOBODOVÁ, Pavlína VACULÍKOVÁ a Roman GRMELA. Intensive dance - exercise intervention program for healthy seniors and patients with mild cognitive impairment. In European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity 2018. 2018. URL info
- SKLENAŘÍKOVÁ, Jana, Lenka SVOBODOVÁ, Alena SKOTÁKOVÁ, Pavlína VACULÍKOVÁ, Roman GRMELA, Martin SEBERA a Petra SUCHÁČKOVÁ. The effect of a six - month dancing program on motor performance in elderly with mild cognitive impairment. In European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity 2018. 2018. URL info
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena, Jitka ČIHOUNKOVÁ a Jana SKLENAŘÍKOVÁ. Evaluace kurzů "Sebeobrana pro vozíčkáře". In Conference "Adapted Physical Activity through the lifespan" Prague. 2017. ISBN 978-80-87647-39-4. info
- SKLENAŘÍKOVÁ, Jana, Alena SKOTÁKOVÁ, Pavlína VACULÍKOVÁ, Roman GRMELA, Lenka SVOBODOVÁ a Martin SEBERA. THE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL ABILITIES OF HEALTHY SENIORS AND PATIENTS WITH MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT. Online. In Martin Zvonař, Zuzana SAjdlová. Brno, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2017, s. 632 - 639. ISBN 978-80-210-8917-4. URL info
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena, Petr HEDBÁVNÝ a Lukáš PÁRTL. Úroveň rovnováhových schopností u osob se sluchovým postižením. In Sborník z konference "Šport a zdravie 2008". Nitra: FSpS MU, 2008, 5 s. ISBN 978-80-8094-374-5. info
- ŠIMBEROVÁ, Dagmar, Alena SKOTÁKOVÁ a Petr HEDBÁVNÝ. Polemika o obsahu talentových přijímacích zkoušek na studijní program TV a sport. In Sport a kvalita života 2008. Brno: FSpS MU, 2008, 4 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4716-7. info
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena a Pavlína VACULÍKOVÁ. Sportovní aktivity a zájmy osob se sluchovým a tělesným postižením na středních školách. In Sport a kvalita života 2008. 2008. vyd. Brno: FSpS MU, 2008, 7 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4716-7. info
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena a Kristýna KRUBOVÁ. Boocia jako sport či možnost sociálního uplatnění? In Sport a kvalita života 2007. FSpS MU. Brno: MU, 2007, 5 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4435-7. info
- KOPŘIVOVÁ, Jitka a Alena SKOTÁKOVÁ. Specifikace tance zrakově postižených. In Sport a kvalita života 2006. Brno: MU, 2006, s. 107-108. ISBN 80-210-4145-5. info
- VACULÍKOVÁ, Pavlína. Metodický materiál na DVD nosiči pro teoretickou přípravu i praktické využití v tréninkových centrech sportovní gymnastiky a během výuky na ZŠ a SŠ. In SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena a Petr HEDBÁVNÝ. Sport a kvalita života 2006. Brno, Sport a kvalita života. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2006, 3 s. ISBN 80-210-4145-5. info
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena a Pavlína VACULÍKOVÁ. Zkušenosti s tancem zrakově postižených. In Pohybové aktivity a zdraví člověka. Ústí nad Labem, 2005, s. 118-120. ISBN 80-70077-691-9. info
- SKOTÁKOVÁ, Alena a Hana BUBNÍKOVÁ. Komparativní studie rytmických schopností u zrakově postižených. Comparative research of rhytm abilities of the visual handicapped people. In Optimální působení tělesné zátěže a výživy. Hradec Králové: Pedagogická fakulta Hradec Králové, 2005, 5 s. ISBN 80-7041-487-1. info
- HEDBÁVNÝ, Petr, Sylva HŘEBÍČKOVÁ a Alena SKOTÁKOVÁ. Nácvik freestylových dovedností ve snowboardingu. Brno: MU v Brně, 2005. ISBN 80-210-3863-2. info