doc. MUDr. Miloš Keřkovský, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
correspondence Address:
Jihlavská 340/20, 625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 532 23 2569 |
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Total number of publications: 211
Abnormality bílé hmoty motorické sítě u pacientů se schizofrenií
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Are subjects with spondylotic cervical cord encroachment at increased risk of cervical spinal cord injury after minor trauma?
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, year: 2011, volume: 82, edition: 7, DOI
Automatic segmentation of focal lesions in the brain, using artificial intelligence methods
13th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies 2011, year: 2011
Clinical experience with a Monostep valve and a Dualswitch (Miehtke) valve in the case of elevated cerebrospinal fluid levels of red blood cells and proteins
Hydrocephalus 2011- Abstracts, year: 2011
Diferenciace symptomatické a asymptomatické komprse krční míchy pomocí zobrazení tenzorů difuze
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
DWI a DTI míchy
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Hydrocefalus v graviditě – 4 kazuistiky
Neurologie pro praxi, year: 2011
Konektivita mozku a schizofrenie
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Konektivita mozku u schizofrenie
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Kortiko-cerebelární funkční konektivita a řazení pohybů u schizofrenie
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract