Ing. Miroslav Hloušek, Ph.D.
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Total number of publications: 46
Fiscal Multipliers and the Zero Lower Bound
Ekonomický časopis, year: 2017, volume: 65, edition: 4
An Estimated DSGE Model with a Housing Sector for the Czech Economy
Statistics and Economy Journal, year: 2016, volume: 96, edition: 4
Inflation Target and its Impact on Macroeconomy in the Zero Lower Bound Environment: the case of the Czech economy
Národohospodářský obzor – Review of Economic Perspectives, year: 2016, volume: 16, edition: 1, DOI
Economic Annals, year: 2016, volume: LXI, edition: 210, DOI
The Empirical Implications of the Zero Lower Bound on the Interest Rate: The Case of the Czech Economy
Acta universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, year: 2016, volume: 64, edition: 2, DOI
The housing market and credit channel of monetary policy
Proceedings of 34th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics, year: 2016
Asymmetric behaviour of collateral constraint: applications on the Czech economy
Proceedings of 33nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics, year: 2015
Determinants of Economic Growth
International Conference Hradec Economic Days 2015, year: 2015
The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Business Cycle: Evidence from SVAR Model with Debt Constraints
Proceedings of 18th International Conference Enterprise and Competitive Environment, year: 2015
The Kuznets Inverted-U Hypothesis
International Conference Hradec Economic Days 2015, year: 2015