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prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D.
Office hours
Tuesday 2.00-3.30 pm, room 4.47
13:00-14:00 on Tuesday 24 September
Appointment after an email agreement only during the exam period.
Courses taught
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Doctoral Thesis I. (EVS002, MVZ002)
- Doctoral Thesis II. (EVS003, MVZ003)
- European Political Systems
- European Politics Analysis
- European Politics Research
- Europeanisation of Political Systems
- Individual Study Plan I (EVS011, MVZ011)
- Making and Breaking of Central Europe
- Methodological Seminar I. (EVS004, MVZ004)
- Methodological Seminar II. (EVS005, MVZ005)
- Modern Political History of Europe (EVS101, EVS800)
- Placement Abroad
- Presentation of Scientific Work (EVS006, MVZ006)
- Study Period Abroad
- The Making of Europe (European System of States since 1648)
- Thesis Writing Seminar
Spring 2011 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Analysis of International Relations
- Comparative Politics of Western Europe
- Comparison of Political Systems
- Doctoral Thesis I. (EVS002, MVZ002)
- Doctoral Thesis II. (EVS003, MVZ003)
- Europe after 1989
- European Politics Analysis
- European Politics Research
- Individual Study Plan (EVS011, MVZ011)
- Methodological Seminar I. (EVS004, MVZ004)
- Methodological Seminar II. (EVS005, MVZ005)
- Political Systems of the EU Members States
- Politics and society in Western Europe since 1945
- Presentation of Scientific Work (EVS006, MVZ006)
- Structuring of European Space
- Thesis Writing Seminar
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Analysis of International Relations
- Doctoral Thesis I. (EVS002, MVZ002)
- Doctoral Thesis II. (EVS003, MVZ003)
- European Political Systems
- European Politics Analysis
- European Politics Research
- Europeanisation of Political Systems
- Final State Exam
- Individual Study Plan (EVS011, MVZ011)
- Making and Breaking of Central Europe
- Methodological Seminar I. (EVS004, MVZ004)
- Methodological Seminar II. (EVS005, MVZ005)
- Modern Political History of Europe (EVS101, EVS800)
- Presentation of Scientific Work (EVS006, MVZ006)
- The Making of Europe (European System of States since 1648)
- Thesis Writing Seminar
Spring 2010 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Analysis of International Relations
- Comparative Politics of Western Europe
- Comparison of Political Systems
- Doctoral Thesis I. (EVS002, MVZ002)
- Doctoral Thesis II. (EVS003, MVZ003)
- European Politics Analysis
- European Politics Research
- Final State Exam (EVS1299, EVS299, EVS499)
- Individual Study Plan (EVS011, MVZ011)
- Jazz and Politics in Europe 1930-1950
- Methodological Seminar I. (EVS004, MVZ004)
- Methodological Seminar II. (EVS005, MVZ005)
- Political Systems of the EU Members States
- Politics and society in Western Europe since 1945
- Presentation of Scientific Work