prof. PhDr. Jan Holzer, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Political Science
office: 4.69
Joštova 218/10
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4090 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Office hours
Monday 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. + at any time by prior e-mail appointment via zoom.Courses taught
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Arts
- Textový seminář IV (ASDS24, ASDS25, ASDS41, ASDS42, ASDS43, ASDS44, ASDS45, ASDS46, ASDSK)
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation (AS_D55, ASDS56)
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Methodological Problems of Social Sciences and Mass Media Studies (AS_D12, ASDS12)
- Specialisation According to the Subject of the Thesis
- State Ph.D. Exam
- The Study in the Concrete Area which Is the Object of the Doctoral Dissertation
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Arts
- Semestrální kolokvium
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Methodological Problems of Social Sciences and Mass Media Studies
- Paper in Foreign Language
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad (ASDS45, ASDS46)
- Research and Study
- Semester Colloquium
- Teaching in the Workplace I
- Teaching in the Workplace II
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language
- The Published Special Text in the Czech Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Published Special Text in the Foreign Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- Writing Seminar I
- Writing Seminar II
- Writing Seminar III
- Writing Seminar IV
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Comparative Analysis
- Czech Political System
- Czech Politics
- Diploma Seminar
- Diploma Seminar for Bachelor Thesis (POL147, POL715, POL745)
- Disertation Thesis I.
- Disertation Thesis II.
- Personal Study Program I.
- Personal Study Program II.
- Personal Study Program III.
- Study visit (POL300, POL500)
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Democratic and Nondemocratic Political Systems
- Diploma Seminar
- Diploma Seminar for Bachelor Thesis (POL147, POL715, POL745)
- Diploma Seminar for Minor Paper
- Disertation Thesis I.
- Disertation Thesis II.
- Introduction into Political Science (POL104, POL701, POL731)
- Personal Study Program I.
- Personal Study Program II.
- Personal Study Program III.
- Study visit (POL300, POL500)
- Theory of Political Systems
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Arts
- Semestrální kolokvium
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Methodological Problems of Social Sciences and Mass Media Studies
- Specialisation According to the Subject of the Thesis
- State Ph.D. Exam
- The Study in the Concrete Area which Is the Object of the Doctoral Dissertation
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Arts
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Czech Political System
- Czech Politics
- Diploma Seminar (POL464, POL716)
- Disertation Thesis
- Introduction into Political Science
- Study visit (POL300, POL500)
- Theory of Postsoviet Politics