doc. RNDr. Petr Sojka, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Visual Computing
office: C222
Botanická 554/68a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6966 |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 303
Hyphenation in TeX - Quo Vadis
TUGboat: The Communications of the TeX Users Group, year: 1995, volume: 16, edition: 3
Notes on Compound Word Hyphenation in TeX
TUGboat : The Communications of the TeX Users Group, year: 1995, volume: 16, edition: 3
Od myšlenky ke knize (2)
Zpravodaj ÚVT MU, year: 1995, volume: V., edition: 1
Od myšlenky ke knize (3)
Zpravodaj ÚVT MU, year: 1995, volume: V., edition: 4
Od myšlenky ke knize (4)
Zpravodaj ÚVT MU, year: 1995, volume: V., edition: 5
Grafika v TeXu (2)
Zpravodaj CSTUG, year: 1994, volume: 4, edition: 1
Grafika v TeXu (3)
Zpravodaj ÜVT, year: 1994, volume: 4, edition: 3
Hyphenation in TeX - Quo Vadis?
Proceedings of the 9th European TeX Conference, Gdaňsk, 1994, year: 1994
Od myšlenky ke knize (1)
Zpravodaj ÚVT MU, year: 1994, volume: IV., edition: 5
Virtuální fonty, accents a přátelé
Zpravodaj CSTUG, year: 1994, volume: 4, edition: 2