Mgr. Zdenko Vozár

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Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Address : Mr. Zdenko Vozár
  • Telephone : +420 723 724 669
  • Email :
  • Date of Birth: 19.5.1987, Bratislava
  • Citizenship: Slovak
  • Gender: male
  • Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Ústav religionistiky, doctoral candidate in history of religions (16.2.2017 - until present)
    Adress: Department for the Study of Religions,
    Faculty of Arts,
    Masaryk University,
    Arna Nováka 1,
    602 00 Brno,
    Czech Republic
  • Université Paris Est, Paris-Créteil, laboratory CRHEC, doctoral candidate in history (1.11.2013 - until present)
  • Charles University, Prague, Philosophical faculty, Department of Czech History, doctoral candidate on czech history ( 1.10.2013 -present)
Employment - Position
  • postgradual student
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • Charles University, Prague, Philosophical faculty, Master of Arts, disciplines: Religious science and History (from 1/10/2007 till 18/9/2013)
  • Secondary education: Lycée Jur Hronec à Bratislava, (from 2/9 2003 till 31/9 2007): baccalaureate in informatic technology
  • Primary education: Košická school, à Bratislava (1994 – 2003)
  • National Library of Czech Republic (2017-): sysAd, backend of Czech WebArchive
  • Digital lab, SISMEL Florence (2015-2016): developer of data mining system
  • KBC Global services N.V., Brusel, div. Prague, (2012-2013): junior tester, then penetrational analysis
  • ReOS s.r.o, Linguaforum: webdeveloper, SEO
Teaching Activities
  • „Medicínske aspekty vína a destilátov v epoche Václava IV.“, festival Praha pije víno, Praha 27.05.2016
  • "Learned Magic and Alchemy between and betwixt the University and the Courts: Interaction of Seats of Power, Wisdom and the Seats of Knowledge", The First Decades of the Prague University: Transforming Intellectual Space in 14th-c. Central Europe, 6-7.11.2014, IMAFO ÖAW + CMS AV ČR (OVERMODE ERC 263672 + GA UK 1124413), Praha, ČR
  • "Census of the Alchemical Literature of Bohemian Provenance from the Middle Ages: How the friar Bartholomew went to Tabriz", Latinská alchymická literatura české provenience, 15-16.10.2014, Centre for renaissance texts, Université Palacky à Olomouc, Olomouc, ČR
  • "Des affaires exacerbées entre les choses naturelles, célestes et divines dans la cour de Charles IV : Une étude entre la poétique et la pratique scolaire", Science, savoirs et sagesses au Moyen Âge, 15-16.4.2014, Journées d'étude STUDIUM, Maison de la recherche/EHESS, Paris, France
  • "The Beginnings of Learned Magic in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown: Manuscripts as Devices of Cultural Exchange and their Classification", Text, Context and Non-text: Grimoires in Central Europe, 5. - 6.4.2013, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA "Mágia v epoche Karla IV. a jeho dedičov", IX. Letní škola medievistických studií, 6 - 8.9.2013, CMS, Sázava, Czech republic
Scientific and Research Activities
  • RDA (Research Data Alliance) grant for attendance unique international conference Digital humanities Krakow 2016 (12.-16.7.)
  • 2015: Praha FF_VG_2015_100 - John of Teschin in the light of his work
  • 2014: Praha, Charles University, FF_VG n° 26910701 - Ways of the Merchants and Preachers: Bohemical Alchemy in the end of XIV. century, or how Bartholomew went to the Tabriz
  • SISMEL (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino ) in Firenze, Italy, grant of nadation Zeno Karl Schindler - TRAME Fellowship in Digital Humanities (1.10.2015-3.4.2016)
  • Cotutelle Prague - Paris, (2013-2016)
  • EHESS in Paris, France, M2, study program: history, 2011-2012 (from 23/10.2011 till 31/7 2012)
Major Publications
  • VOZÁR, Zdenko. Networks of Alchemical Symbols : Selected Early Prints from Bohemia. In International Medieval Congress, Leeds 1-4 July 2019. 2019. Program info
  • VOZÁR, Zdenko. Metadata for the Middle Ages : A Network Analysis of In International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2.-5.7. 2018. 2018. URL info
  • VOZÁR, Zdenko. Metadata for the Middle Ages: A Network Analysis of II. In Historical Network Research Conference. 2018. info
  • VOZÁR, Zdenko. Alchýmia na pomedzí vedy a teológie : Vnímanie vedeckých disciplín vrcholného a neskorého stredoveku v spojitosti s bohemikálnym kontextom. In Věda, theologie, magie, 5. 5. 2018, Husitská teologická fakulta UK v Praze. 2018. URL info


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