Mgr. Tomáš Peterka, Ph.D.
Researcher II, Mire Ecology Group
office: bldg. D32/224
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 8487 |
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Total number of publications: 76
Remarks on spring vegetation (the Montio-Cardaminetea class) in the Republic of North Macedonia
Bryonora, year: 2021, volume: 67, edition: 1
sPlotOpen - An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots
Global ecology and biogeography, year: 2021, volume: 30, edition: 9, DOI
Červený seznam biotopů České republiky
Příroda, year: 2020, volume: 2020, edition: 41
EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats
Applied Vegetation Science, year: 2020, volume: 23, edition: 4, DOI
Interesting records of rare bryophytes in old fen deposits 3
Bryonora, year: 2020, volume: 66, edition: 12
Is variable plot size a serious constraint in broad–scale vegetation studies? A case study on fens
Journal of Vegetation Science, year: 2020, volume: 31, edition: 4, DOI
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 4
Zprávy České botanické společnosti, year: 2020, volume: 55, edition: 1
Towards the pan-European bioindication system: Assessing and testing updated hydrological indicator values for vascular plants and bryophytes in mires
Ecological indicators, year: 2020, volume: 116, edition: SEP 2020, DOI
Vegetation affinity of the moss species Meesia triquetra, Paludella squarrosa, Pseudocalliergon trifarium and Scorpidium scorpioides across European regions
Contributions to morphology, taxonomy, distribution and ecology of bryophytes. Jiří Váňa in memoriam, year: 2020
Poznámky k rozšíření a ekologii mokrýše vstřícnolistého (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) na východním okraji areálu
Východočeský sborník přírodovědný. Práce a studie., year: 2019, volume: 25, edition: 1