prof. RNDr. Slavomír Nehyba, Dr.
Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
office: pav. 03/02004
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6067 |
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Total number of publications: 285
Grain size, geochemistry and organic pollutants in modern fluvial deposits in eastern Moravia (Czech Republic)
Environmental Geology (Environmental Earth Sciences), year: 2010, volume: 60, edition: 3
Historical Changes in Levels of Organic Pollutants in Sediment Cores from Brno Reservoir, Czech Republic
Water, Air and Soil Polution, year: 2010, volume: 209, edition: 1-4
Initial depositional processes on the distal passive margin of the peripheral foreland basin - fluvial deposits of the St.Marein-Freischling
Abstracts Volumen, 18th International Sedimentological Congress (Eds. E. Schwarz, S. Georgieff, E. Piovano), year: 2010
Modern fluvial sediment provenance and pollutant tracing: a case study from the Drevnice River Basin (eastern Moravia, Czech Republic)
Geologica Carpathica, year: 2010, volume: 61, edition: 2
Osady ladowe "Old Redu" okolic Brna (Babi lom)
Terazniejszosc kluczem do przeszlosci-Wspolczesne procesy sedymentacyjne i ich kopalny zapis. IV Polska Konferencja Sedymentologiczna –POKOS´4, year: 2010
Provenance and depositional environment of Permo-Carboniferous - deposits of Boskovice Basin
Terazniejszosc kluczem do przeszlosci-Wspolczesne procesy sedymentacyjne i ich kopalny zapis. IV Polska Konferencja Sedymentologiczna –POKOS´4, year: 2010
Seasonally and regionally determined indication potential of bioassays in contaminated river sediments
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, year: 2010, volume: 29, edition: 3
The depositional rate and dating of modern deposits - history of the sedimentary infill of the Brno reservoir
Terazniejsyosc kluczem do przeszlosci-Wspolczesne procesy sedymentacyjne i ich kopalny zapis, year: 2010
Zrnitostní charakteristika moderních fluviálních sedimentů příkladová studie z východní Moravy
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku, year: 2010, volume: XVII, edition: 1-2
Bio-events in Early Badenian sedimentary sequence from Kralice nad Oslavou (Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic)
Acta Naturalia de „L Ateneo Parmense, year: 2009, volume: 45, edition: 1/4