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prof. MUDr. Rom Kostřica, CSc.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
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Field of study: Otorinolaryngology
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Surgical treatment of nasal polyposis – graduate 2011
- Self-tailored therapy in head and neck cancer - multifactorial analysis of nutritional status as an important paramether for diagnosis and treatment – graduate 2011
- Measuring telomerase activity tumours of head and neck – graduate 2010
- The sentinel lymph node biopsy and the role in the diagnosis and treatment of neck metastases in patients with carcinoma of the oral cavity – graduate 2009
- Analysis of metallothionein level in patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma – graduate 2008
- Parameters of oxidative stress in relationship to head and neck squamous cell carcinoma – graduate 2007
- Prognóza nádorů hlavy a krku se zaměřením na nádorový supresor p53 – graduate 2004
- Orofaryngeální karcinom, jeho incidence v Moravskoslezském kraji. Definice a validita rizikových faktorů, stanovení prognózy onemocnění na základě rozboru gradingu, stagingu a způsobu léčby. – graduate 2004