doc. Mgr. Josef Kuře, Dr. phil.
Total number of publications: 120
Why the Biomedical Industry is a Subject of Ethics?
Year: 2009, type:
Bioethics and the Future: Future Potentiality in Bioethics Foundational Theories
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Bioetika v UNESCO
, year: 2008, number of pages: 2 s.
Biomedicínský výzkum
Year: 2008, type:
Budoucnost v současných koncepcích bioetiky
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Declaration on Bioethics in Teaching Bioethics
Year: 2008, type:
PREDICT Dissemination Strategy: From Exclusion to Inclusion
Year: 2008, type:
Principlism and Arete: Two Methodological Approaches in Teaching Bioethics.
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Prospektivní bioetika. Studie ke konceptu etiky pro období rozvoje biomedicínských technologií
Year: 2008, edition: Vyd. 2008, number of pages: 262 s.
Smrt a umírání
Year: 2008, type: