MUDr. Dagmar Brančíková, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
phone: | +420 532 23 2384, 3603 |
e‑mail: | |
Total number of publications: 128
Czech Women’s Point of Views on Immediate Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy due to BRCA Gene Mutation or Breast Cancer
Healthcare, year: 2023, volume: 11, edition: 12, DOI
Increasing incidence rate of breast cancer in cystic fibrosis-relationship between pathogenesis, oncogenesis and prediction of the treatment effect in the context of worse clinical outcome and prognosis of cystic fibrosis due to estrogens
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, year: 2023, volume: 18, edition: 1, DOI
Molecularly driven therapy recommended by a molecular tumor board: Accessible option or privilege for a minority of patients? A single-center experience from the Czech Republic
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
Hepatocelulární karcinom - prognostická kritéria individualizované léčby
Klinicka Onkologie, year: 2022, volume: 35, edition: 2, DOI
Immediate breast reconstruction in patients with BRCA mutation and breast cancer - our approach.
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Metastatické nádory slinných žláz v době precizní onkologie
Year: 2022, type: Requested lectures
Metastatické nádory slinných žláz v době precizní onkologie
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Molekulární tumor board a zkušenosti FN Brno
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Molekulární tumor board a zkušenosti FN Brno
Year: 2022, type: Requested lectures
Okamžitá rekonstrukce prsu u nosiček BRCA 1 a BRCA 2 mutace
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract