Ing. Jakub Pejcal, Ph.D.

Lektor II, Department of Public Economics

correspondence Address:
Lipová 507/41a, 602 00 Brno

social and academic networks:

Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Jakub Pejcal, 1989, Jihlava
  • Masaryk University in Brno
    Faculty of Economics and Administration
    Department of Public Economics
    Lipova 41a
    602 00 Brno
Employment - Position
  • assistant / lecturer
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2021: Ph.D. in Public Econoimcs, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University in Brno,
    thesis "Financial Management of Non-Profit Organizations"
  • 2013: Master's Degree in Public Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University in Brno, Public Economy and Administration,
    thesis "Evaluation of the Cost Calculation of a Selected Nonprofit Project"
  • 2011: Bachelor's Degree in Public Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University in Brno, Public Economy,
    thesis "Possibilities of Funding selected Nonprofit Organization"
  • Others:
    09/2017 - 04/2018: Development of pedagogical competencies (CERPEK modul A)
    09/2015: Scientific work course of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    04/2014: Non-profit Sector Research Center training course: Civil society in a multidisciplinary perspective
  • Active:
    04/2014 - now: Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University - assistant, analyst, lecturer
  • Inactive:
    11/2016 - 12/2019: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - consultant
    09/2013 - 05/2014: Regional Caritas of Tisnov - economist
Teaching Activities
  • Active:
    ESF MU: Management Accounting and Taxes in the Non-profit Sector (autumn: 2016 - now)
    FF MU: Social Educational Activity in Nonincremental Sector (autumn: 2015 - now)
    FSS MU: Nongovernmental Sector (autumn: 2013 - now)
    ESF MU: Economy and Management of Non-profit Organisations (spring: 2015 - now)
    ESF MU: Accounting and Analyses in Public Sector (spring: 2015 - 2018, 2019 - now)
    ESF MU: Public Economics - czech (autumn: 2020 - now)
  • Inactive:
    ESF MU: Winter School of Non-profit Studies (spring: 2019, 2020)
    ESF MU: Public Economics - english (autumn: 2014, 2015)
    ESF MU: Diploma Thesis (spring: 2015)
    ESF MU: Introduction to Public Finance and Public Administration (autumn: 2013 - 2017)
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Areas of interest:
    Financing, economics, accounting, and taxation of non-governmental non-profit organisations
  • Projects:
    01/2020 - 12/2020: Studentská konference: Výzkum občanské společnosti a neziskového sektoru [Student Conference: Research of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector](MUNI/B/0872/2019)
    01/2020 - 12/2020: Udržitelnost nestátních neziskových organizací a sociálních podniků [Sustainability of NGOs and Social Businesses](MUNI/A/1068/2019)
    01/2019 - 12/2020: Model finančního zdraví nestátních neziskových organizací a predikce jejich finanční zranitelnosti [Model of Financial Health of NGOs and Prediction of Financial Vulnerability] (TL02000080)
    04/2017 - 03/2020: Interaktivní mapa neziskového sektoru [Interactive Map of NGO's Sector] (CZ.03.3.X/0.0/0.0/15_124/0006215)
    01/2019 - 12/2019: Zdraví nestátních neziskových organizací [Health of NGOs] (MUNI/A/0961/2018) - leader
    01/2018 - 12/2018: Veřejné politiky a jejich dopady 2018 [Public Policies and its Impacts 2018] (MUNI/A/1123/2017)
    01/2017 - 12/2017: Inovace předmětu: Manažerské účetnictví a daně v neziskovém sektoru [Lecture Innovation: management Accounting and Taxes in the Nonprofit Sector] (MUNI/FR/1483/2016) - leader
    01/2017 - 12/2017: Výzkum občanské společnosti: od standardu k extrému [Civic Society Research: From Standards to Extreme] (MUNI/A/1083/2016)
    03/2014 - 02/2017: ITSSOIN - Social Innovation and Civic Engagement (613177)
    01/2016 - 12/2016: Výzkum neziskového sektoru: alternativní přístupy [Nonprofit Sector Research: Alternative Approaches] (MUNI/A/1022/2015)
    01/2015 - 12/2015: Inovace, "trh" a regionální kontext [Innovation, „Market“ and Regional Contexts] (MUNI/A/1208/2014)
    01/2014 - 12/2014: Neziskové organizace v procesu sociálních inovací [Nonprofit Organizations in the Social Innovation Process] (MUNI/A/0831/2013)
    01/2013 - 12/2013: Neziskové organizace v kontextu řešení problémů moderního sociálního státu [Nonprofit Organizations in the Context of Solving Problems of Modern Social State] (MUNI/A/0775/2012)
Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
  • 2017/02/20 – 2017/05/05: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Wien, Other programs, AUT
  • 2016/02/15 – 2016/02/26: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Wien, Other programs, AUT
Activities Outside University
  • Active:
    11/2018 - now: Non-profit and Social Affairs Committee, Council of Jihlava city - member
    10/2018 - now: Czech Scouts and Guides - Vysočina Region - chairman of the audit committee
  • Inactive:
    11/2017 - 01/2020: Czech Scouts and Guides - Vysočina Region - member of the audit committee
    02/2016 - 10/2018: Czech Scouts and Guides - Jihlava - deputy leader
    06/2015 - 08/2015: - main phase (journey)
    01/2009 - 01/2015: Czech Scouts and Guides - Jihlava - economist
    03/2008 - 11/2010: Czech Scouts and Guides - Jihlava - deputy leader
Major Publications
  • PEJCAL, Jakub a Lucia HRŮZOVÁ. Funding a Selected Group of Czech NGOs from Public Resources. Scientia et Societas. Praha: Newton College a.s., 2021, roč. 17, č. 3, s. 105-117. ISSN 1801-7118. URL info
  • PEJCAL, Jakub. The Transparency of Czech Foundations. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy: the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe. Slovensko, Bratislava: NISPAcee Press, 2020, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 157-188. ISSN 1337-9038. Dostupné z: URL info
  • PEJCAL, Jakub. Na cestě za zdravím nestátních neziskových organizací. Online. In INTERPOLIS'18 Zborník vedeckých prác. INTERPOLIS'18. Banská Bystrica: Belianum, 2019, s. 241-247. ISBN 978-80-557-1536-0. info
  • BILENÁ, Eva a Jakub PEJCAL. Táhnout za jeden provaz: projektové partnerství v nestátním neziskovém sektoru. Scientia et Societas. Praha: Newton College a.s., 2019, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 3-18. ISSN 1801-7118. URL info
  • NAVRÁTIL, Jiří a Jakub PEJCAL. Czech Republic. In Eva More-Hollerweger, Flavia-Elvira Bogorin, Julia Litofcenko, Michael Meyer. Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Monitoring 2019. Vienna: ERSTE Foundation, 2019, s. 60-69. ERSTE Stiftung Studies. ISBN 978-3-902673-14-5. URL info
  • HRŮZA, Filip, Veronika TUPÁ, Jakub PEJCAL a Lucia HRŮZOVÁ. Workshop AMOB 2019/2020 (Brno). 2019. info
  • MÜLLNER, Vojtěch a Jakub PEJCAL. Money First? What Actually Affects the Amount of Membership Fees in Non Governmental Non - Profit Organizations? In Petra Dvořáková, Barbora Baisa. Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018, s. 314-320, 391 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8923-5. info
  • KOLAŘÍKOVÁ, Dominika a Jakub PEJCAL. An Insight into Financial management Practices of Non Governmental Non-Profit Organizations. In Petra Dvořáková, Barbora Baisa. Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018, s. 275-282, 391 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8923-5. info
  • NAVRÁTIL, Jiří a Jakub PEJCAL. Czech Republic. In Peter Vandor, Nicole Traxler, Reinhard Millner, Michael Meyer. Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities. Vienna: ERSTE Foundation, 2017, s. 43-57. ERSTE Stiftung Studies. ISBN 978-3-902673-10-7. URL info
  • PEJCAL, Jakub a Jakub DOSTÁL. Nongovernmental Nonprofit Organisations in Social Services: Theories versus the Real Situation in the Czech Republic. Scientific papers of the university of Pardubice Series D. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2017, roč. 24, č. 40, s. 177-187. ISSN 1211-555X. info
  • PEJCAL, Jakub a Marek VYSKOČIL. Fight against NGO Inefficiency: The Use of Financial and Impact Management Tools in the Czech Republic. In Dagmar Špalková; Lenka Matějová. Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Brno: Masaryk University, 2016, s. 361-368. ISBN 978-80-210-8082-9. info
  • VYSKOČIL, Marek a Jakub PEJCAL. Publicly Funded Social Innovation. In Dagmar Špalková; Lenka Matějová. Current Trends in Public Sector Research. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University, 2015, s. 416-423. ISBN 978-80-210-7532-0. info
  • PEJCAL, Jakub a Marek VYSKOČIL. Social Innovations in the Czech Republic. In Maciej Szcepańczyk. Inowacje spoleczne w teorii i praktyce. Lodz: Politechnika Lódzka, 2015, s. 100-110. ISBN 978-83-7283-687-8. info
  • POSPÍŠIL, Miroslav, Jiří NAVRÁTIL a Jakub PEJCAL. Civil Society in the Czech Republic. In Christian Schreier. 25 Years After: Mapping civil Society in the Visegrad Countries. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius Verlag, 2015, s. 143-188. Maecenata Schriften Band 11. ISBN 978-3-8282-0616-8. info


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