Stephen Paul Hardy, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Department of English and American Studies
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. G/G.317
Gorkého 57/7
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3743 |
e‑mail: |
Courses taught
Autumn 2007 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Literary and Cultural Theory I (AJ20001, AJ50001)
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
- Post-1945 British Poetry, Culture and Society
- Topics in Literature: Aspects of Comparison in the Twentieth Century British Literature
- Virginia Woolf: Woman, Writer
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Arts
- Angličtina konverzace s rodilým mluvčím P
- American Relations: Limit Experience
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- British Literature 1830-1890: Victorians
- Hardy and Lawrence: Men and Women
- Introduction to British Studies II
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
- Master's Thesis
- Minor Thesis
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Irish History and Culture
- Literary and Cultural Theory I (AJ20001, UZAJ0001)
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
- Master's Thesis
- Post-1945 British Poetry, Culture and Society
- Virginia Woolf: Woman, Writer
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Arts
- Angličtina konverzace s rodilým mluvčím P (JS_A11, JS_A13, JS_A7)
- Aspects of the Twentieth Century British Short Story
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- British Literature 1830-1890: Victorians
- Independent Readings - Hardy (AJ19614, AJ29614, UZAJ9614)
- Introduction to British Studies II
- Literary and Cultural Theory II (AJ20002, UZAJ0002)
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
- Travelling Britain, Travelling Britons (AJ26062, UZAJ6062)
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Arts
- Aspects of British 20th Century Short Fiction (AJ24088, UZAJ4088)
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- British Literature 1770-1830: Romantics
- English Drama & Film 1965-2005
- Independent Readings - Hardy (AJ19614, AJ29614, UZAJ9614)
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Literary and Cultural Theory I (AJ20001, UZAJ0001)
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Arts
- Angličtina konverzace s rodilým mluvčím P (JS_A11, JS_A13, JS_A7)
- Bachelor's Thesis - Hardy
- British Literature 1830-1870: Early and Mid-Victorians
- British Literature II
- Independent Readings - Hardy (AJ19614, AJ29614)
- Introduction to British Studies II
- Literary and Cultural Theory II
- Master's Thesis - Hardy
- Minor Paper - Hardy
- Minor Thesis - Hardy
- Post-1945 British Poetry, Culture and Society
- Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Novel
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- Angličtina konverzace pro pokročilé (JS_A71, JS_A72)
- Aesthetics, Aestheticism and the Novel
- Bachelor's Thesis - Hardy
- British History and Culture
- British Literature 1770-1830: Romantics
- Independent Readings - Hardy (AJ19614, AJ29614)
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Introduction to Irish Literature, History and Culture
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Master's Thesis - Hardy