Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Filip Křepelka
    born 12.2.1974 in Brno
    wife Ivana, son Filip, daughter Petra
  • Masaryk University in Brno (Masarykova univerzita) - Faculty of Law, Department of International and European Law, Veveří 70, Brno, CZ (since 1997)
Employment Position
  • professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 1992 - grammar (high) school, Brno, Vídeňská 47, computer science
    1997 - mgr. in law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University,
    1998 - certificate, post-graduate course, Europa-Kolleg Hamburg
    2001 - JUDr. in law ("doctor of law")
    2002 - scientific doctor degree (Ph.D.)
    2007 - Advanced Certificate: Research Ethic, Union University Schenectady, N.Y, USA a Vilniaus Universitatis, Lithuania
    2009 - habilitation (docent) Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University, thesis "European and Global Liberalisation of Trade in Services"
    2023 - appointment to a professor - Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law and Scientific Council of Masaryk University, President / Prime minister
Employment Summary
  • Principal profession:
    1997-recent - teacher of European Law, Masaryk University, Brno
    Additional professions (part-time jobs):
    1998-2003 - referendary of vicepresident of the Constitutional Court
    2004-2008 - specialist on European law, the Supreme Administrative Court
Pedagogical Activities
  • European Union Law
    world economic law
    medical law / healthcare law
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Theory and Practice of Federalism and European integration
    International and European regulation of economic activities
    free movement of services and persons
    public aid limits
    legal aspects of healthcare
    law and ethics of biomedical research
    basic rights
Academical Stays and Conferences
  • 1997/98 - Europa-Kolleg Hamburg
    Short stays: University Szeged (2000), University Aberystwyth (2002), University Poznan (2002), Institut fur Medizinrecht Mannheim (2003), Fordham University School of Law, New York (2004), Bibo Istvan Szakkolegium Budapest (2005), Vilnius (2005), Tartu (2006)
    Conferences: Brussels (1999), Leipzig (2001), Budapest (2005), Wien (2005), Maribor (2008, 2012, 2018), Rijeka (2010, 2012), Bialystok (2009), Copenhagen (2013, 2014), Paris (2015), Hague (2014), Wroclaw (2014, 2015), Lublin (2016), Fukuoka (2018), Krakow (2018), Salzburg (2010, 2012, 2016), Rzeszow (2018),
University Activities
  • Member of the Academic Senate of Masaryk University since 2003 and its chairman in 2006-2011.
    Member and chairman of the Academic Senate of Faculty of Law in 2000-2006 and its chairman in 2003-2005.
    Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law 2011-2015 and since 2018
    Member and vice chairman of the Research Ethics Committee since 2015.
Extramural Activities (selection)
  • Editorial Board - Právník - journal of legal theory.
    Editorial Board - Zeitschrift fuer Gesundheitswesensrecht, Vienna, Austria


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