Mgr. Jitka Frodlová, Ph.D.
Deposition of Thin films and Nanostructures
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Total number of publications: 12
High-resolution mollusc record from the Mituchovci tufa (western Slovakia): a reference for the Holocene succession of Western Carpathian mid-elevation forests
Boreas, year: 2021, volume: 50, edition: 3, DOI
Can relict-rich communities be of an anthropogenic origin? Palaeoecological insight into conservation strategy for endangered Carpathian travertine fens
Quaternary Science Reviews, year: 2020, volume: 234, edition: APR 15 2020, DOI
A complete Holocene climate and environment record for the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) derived from a tufa deposit
The Holocene, year: 2019, volume: 29, edition: 3, DOI
Effect of sample size and resolution on palaeomalacological interpretation: a case study from Holocene calcareous-fen deposits
Journal of Quaternary Science, year: 2018, volume: 33, edition: 1, DOI
Holocene development of two calcareous spring fens at the Carpathian-Pannonian interface controlled by climate and human impact
Folia Geobotanica, year: 2018, volume: 53, edition: 3, DOI
The case of two calcareous spring fens at the Carpathianpannonian interface in the North West of Slovakia
Year: 2018, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Holocenní příběh bělokarpatského pěnovcového prameniště z pohledu malakologů
Year: 2017, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Contrasting Holocene environmental histories may explain patterns of species richness and rarity in a Central European landscape
Quaternary Science Reviews, year: 2016, volume: 133, edition: February, DOI
Vliv velikosti vzorku a členění vrstev na paleomalakologickou interpretaci: případová studie sedimentů pěnovcových slatinišť
Year: 2016, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
The effect of sample size and resolution on palaeomalacological interpretations: a case study from calcareous-fen deposits
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings