Mgr. Kateřina Hanáková, Ph.D.

Technical specialist, Zbyněk Zdráhal Research Group

Office: bldg. E26/121
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno

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Phone: +420 549 49 8442
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Basic information


MU Faculty or unit Zbyněk Zdráhal Research GroupCentral European Institute of Technology
Job classification Technical specialist
Office bldg. E26/121Kamenice 753/5, Bohunice, Brno
Phone +420 549 49 8442
MU Faculty or unit Proteomics Core FacilityCentral European Institute of Technology
Job classification Technical specialist
MU Faculty or unit David Šmajs Research GroupFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Technical specialist

Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 357771
Internal information Portál MU IS MU

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