Mgr. Tomáš Marek, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Department of Information and Library Studies
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. C/C.127
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6202 |
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 4
Statistical Graphics in Czech Textbooks: A Comparative Content Analysis of Two Primary-Level Educational Areas
Journal of Elementary Education, year: 2024, volume: roč. 17, edition: č. 4, DOI
An Analysis of Graphical Representation of Data in Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks
ICEEPSY 2022: Education and Educational Psychology, vol 3. European Proceedings of International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, year: 2022
Vizualizace dat jako informační bariéra u nevidomých uživatelů
ProInflow, year: 2021, volume: 13, edition: 2, DOI
Propojování tabletů s projektory a televizory
Tablet ve školní praxi, year: 2015, number of pages: 8 s.