PharmDr. Dominik Rotrekl, Ph.D.
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Total number of publications: 5
Composites of yeast glucan particles and curcumin lead to improvement of dextran sulfate sodium-induced acute bowel inflammation in rats
Carbohydrate Polymers, year: 2021, volume: 252, edition: 117142, DOI
Glucan particles as suitable carriers for the natural anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and diplacone - Evaluation in an ex vivo model
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, year: 2020, volume: 582, edition: 119318, DOI
Glucan Particles as a Carrier of Biological Active Substances
CHEMICKE LISTY, year: 2019
Kompozit glukanových mikročástic a protizánětlivého léčiva pro podpůrnou terapii střevních zánětů a farmaceutická kompozice jej obsahující
Year: 2019
Prenylated flavonoid morusin protects against TNBS-induced colitis in rats
Plos one, year: 2017, volume: 12, edition: 8, DOI