RNDr. Tomáš Rebok, Ph.D.
Department head, Tom Rebok´s Research Group
office: bldg. A/6.13
Šumavská 525/33
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3492 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 56
DiProNN Resource Management System
MEMICS 2008, year: 2008
DiProNN: Distributed Programmable Network Node Architecture
ICNS'08 Conference Proceedings, year: 2008
DiProNN: Distributed Programmable Network Node Architecture
CGW'07 Conference Proceedings, year: 2008
Distributed Synchronous Infrastructure for Multimedia Streams Transmission and Processing
Networking Studies II : Selected Technical Reports, year: 2008
DiProNN Programming Model
MEMICS 2007, year: 2007
DiProNN: Distribuovaný programovatelný síťový prvek s podporou virtuálních strojů
Širokopásmové sítě a jejich aplikace, year: 2007
DiProNN: Distributed Programmable Network Node Architecture
Year: 2007, type: R&D Presentation
DiProNN: VM-based Distributed Programmable Network Node Architecture
Year: 2007, type: R&D Presentation
DiProNN: VM-based Distributed Programmable Network Node Architecture
European Computing Conference 2007 (ECC'07), year: 2007
Distributed Synchronous Infrastructure for Multimedia Streams Transmission and Processing
Year: 2007, type: R&D Presentation