doc. Mgr. Bc. Vít Nováček, PhD
Associate professor, Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing
office: C221
Botanická 554/68a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 7549 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 44
Boundary heat diffusion classifier for a semi-supervised learning in a multilayer network embedding
NEURAL NETWORKS, year: 2022, volume: 156, edition: 1, DOI
Integration of Medical and Genomic Information to Enhance Relapse Prediction in Early Stage Lung Cancer Patients
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, year: 2022
Machine learning approaches for predicting the onset time of the adverse drug events in oncology
Machine Learning with Applications, year: 2022, volume: 2022, edition: 9
Predikce průběhu onkologické léčby na základě podobností pacientek vypočítaných z jejich klinických zpráv
Year: 2022, type:
Unsupervised extraction, labelling and clustering of segments from clinical notes
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), year: 2022
Biological applications of knowledge graph embedding models
Briefings in Bioinformatics, year: 2021, volume: 22, edition: 2, DOI
On Predicting Recurrence in Early Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Proceedings of AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium, year: 2021
On Training Knowledge Graph Embedding Models
Information, year: 2021, volume: 12, edition: 4, DOI
P08. 01 Building Personalized Follow-Up Care Through AI by Bringing the Lung Cancer Patient, Data Scientist and Oncologist Together
Journal of Thoracic Oncology, year: 2021, volume: 16, edition: 10, DOI
Accurate prediction of kinase-substrate networks using knowledge graphs
PLoS Computational Biology, year: 2020, volume: 16, edition: 12, DOI