MUDr. Anežka Kvetková
Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
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Total number of publications: 27
HALF: Multicentrická akademická studie fáze II vysazující inhibitory tyrozinkináz po dvoustupňové redukci dávky u pacientů s chornickou myeloidní leukémií – dosavadní výsledky.
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
HALF: Multicentrická akademická studie fáze II vysazující inhibitory tyrozinkináz po dvoustupňové redukci dávky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií – dosavadní výsledky.
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
HALF: Prospective multi-centre phase II clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tyrosine kinase inhibitors discontinuation after two-step dose reduction in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in deep molecular remission.
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Přídatné cytogenetické abnormality prokázané při diagnóze CML a jejich vliv na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Somatic mutations are frequently detected in CML patients before treatment-free remission (TFR) attempt with tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) discontinuation but with uncertain predictive valu efor Tfr failure
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Somatic mutations in myeloid transcription factors and in activated signaling pathway, but not in epigenetic modifier pathway, predict the risk of tratment failure and progression to advanced phase in chronic myeloid leukemia
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
The Prognostic Impact of HMGCLL1 Gene Variant on Treatment Outcomes in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Patients: Adverse Impact on the Response, Failure, and Progression with Imatinib Which Can be Abrogated By the Use of 2nd Generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Upfront Therapy
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Cévní nežádoucí účinky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií při terapii inhibitory tyrozinkináz v každodenní klinické praxi – analýza z databáze INFINITY
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Efficacy and safety of tyrosine kinase inhibitors’ discontinuation after twostep dose reduction in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia – a prospective multi-centre phase II clinical trial (HALF).
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Half: A prospective Multi-Centre phase II clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tyrosine kinase inhibitors' discontinuation after two-step dose reduction in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in deep molecular remission.
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract