Total number of publications: 11
Assessment of lumbar paraspinal muscle morphology using mDixon Quant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a cross-sectional study in healthy subjects
QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY, year: 2024, volume: 14, edition: 8, DOI
Distance from main arteries influences microstructural and functional brain tissue characteristics
Neuroimage, year: 2024, volume: 285, edition: January 2024, DOI
Utility of quantitative MRI metrics in brain ageing research
Frontiers in aging Neuroscience, year: 2023, volume: 15, edition: March 2023, DOI
Tremor associated with similar structural networks in Parkinson's disease and essential tremor
PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS, year: 2022, volume: 95, edition: February 2022, DOI
Bidirectional Association Between Sleep and Brain Atrophy in Aging
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, year: 2021, volume: 13, edition: December 2021, DOI
Vzťah aktivácie STAT3 a expresie CCL2 v axotomizovaných neurónoch spinálnych ganglií laboratórneho potkana
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Bilateral activation of STAT3 by phosphorylation at the tyrosine-705 (Y705) and serine-727 (S727) positions and its nuclear translocation in primary sensory neurons following unilateral sciatic nerve injury
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, year: 2018, volume: 150, edition: 1, DOI
Increased levels of chemokine CCL2 and activation of neuronal regeneration program in the dorsal root ganglia neurons of both lumbar and cervical spinal segments after unilateral sciatic nerve lesion
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract
Zvýšená expresia chemokínu CCL2 a reštart regeneračného programu v neurónoch lumbálnych aj cervikálnych spinálnych ganglií po poškodení sedacieho nervu
Year: 2018, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Aktivácia STAT3 fosforyláciou na pozícií S727 v neurónoch lumbálnych aj cervikálnych spinálnych ganglií potkanov po poškodení nervus ischiadicus
Year: 2017, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings