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Mgr. Zuzana Maštenová
Courses taught
Autumn 2020 at Faculty of Education
- Basics of Measurement
- Behavior Assessment, Identification and Diagnostics (IVc305, IVc513, IVc713)
- Behavior Measurement and Experimental Design
- Concepts and Principles of Behaviour Analysis (IVc302, IVc510, IVc604, IVc709)
- Ethics and Professionalism for Behaviour Technicians
- International Context of Applied Behavior Analysis
- International Standards in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Intervention and Behavior Program Implementation
- Introduction to Intervention and Behavior Program Implementation (IVc306, IVc514)
- Introduction to Measurement and Experimental Design (IVc301, IVc509)
- Supervised Experience (IVc519, IVc614, IVc716)
- Supervised Experience in Accredited Facility (IVc520, IVc615)
Spring 2020 at Faculty of Education
- Úvod do aplikované behaviorální analýzy
- ABA International Standards
- Basic procedures in applied behavioral analysis
- Basics of diagnostics and application of behavior change methods
- Basics of Intervention and ABA program implemetnation
- Basics of Measurement
- BEHABA-3: Introduction to Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-4: Behaviour Change Applications
- BEHABA-5: Identification, Assessment, and Discretionary
- BEHABA-7: Measurement and Experimental Design II
- BEHABA-8: Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-9: Intervention and Implementation II
- Behavior Assessment, Identification and Diagnostics (IVc513, IVc713)
- Behavior Change Applications (IVc512, IVc712)
- Behavioral Approaches to Learning (IVk101, IVp101)
- Compliance Code, Disciplinary Systems and Professionalism
- Concepts and Principles of Behaviour Analysis
- Ethics and Professionalism for Behaviour Technicians
- International Context of Applied Behavior Analysis
- International Standards in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Intervention and Behavior Program Implementation
- Supervised Experience (IVc519, IVc614, IVc716)
- Supervised Experience in Accredited Facility (IVc520, IVc615, IVc717)
Autumn 2019 at Faculty of Education
- Úvod do aplikované behaviorální analýzy (IVc310, IVc401)
- BEHABA-1: Concepts and Principles of Behaviour Analysis
- BEHABA-2: Measurement and Experimental Design I
- BEHABA-5: Identification, Assessment, and Discretionary
- BEHABA-6: Intervention and Implementation I
- Behavior Measurement and Experimental Design
- Behavioral Approaches to Learning
- Compliance Code and Professionalism
- Concepts and Principles of Behaviour Analysis (IVc509, IVc709)
- Intervention and Behavior Program Implementation
- Introduction to Compliance Code and Professionalism
- Introduction to Intervention and Behavior Program Implementation
- Introduction to Measurement and Experimental Design
- Measurement, Data Display and Interpretation, Experimental Design
Spring 2019 at Faculty of Education
- Úvod do aplikované behaviorální analýzy
- BEHABA-3: Introduction to Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-4: Behaviour Change Applications
- BEHABA-5: Identification, Assessment, and Discretionary
- BEHABA-7: Measurement and Experimental Design II
- BEHABA-8: Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-9: Intervention and Implementation II
- Behavioral Approaches to Learning (IVk101, IVp101)
Autumn 2018 at Faculty of Education
Spring 2018 at Faculty of Education
- Úvod do aplikované behaviorální analýzy
- BEHABA-3: Introduction to Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-4: Behaviour Change Applications
- BEHABA-5: Identification, Assessment, and Discretionary
- BEHABA-7: Measurement and Experimental Design II
- BEHABA-8: Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-9: Intervention and Implementation II