Mgr. Tereza Vrabcová
Research specialist, Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing
correspondence Address:
Botanická 554/68a, 602 00 Brno
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 6
Nástroj na extrakci pojmenovaných entit a vztahů ze skenovaných textů
Year: 2023
People and Places of Historical Europe: Bootstrapping Annotation Pipeline and a New Corpus of Named Entities in Late Medieval Texts
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, year: 2023
Systém portálu AHISTO
Year: 2023
Digitální archivace Zpravodaje CSTUGu
Zpravodaj CSTUG, year: 2022, volume: 32, edition: 1-4, DOI
Markdown 2.15.0: What's new?
TUGboat, year: 2022, volume: roč. 43, edition: 1, DOI
When Tesseract Brings Friends: Layout Analysis, Language Identification, and Super-Resolution in the Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts
Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing (RASLAN 2021), year: 2021