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Giorgio Cadorini, Dottore in Lettere, Ph.D.
Courses taught
Spring 2021 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Major (Diploma) B. A. Thesis Seminar
- Master’s Thesis
- Minority Languages in Europe (ROM1B133, ROM2B133)
- Practical Italian IV
- Practical Italian VI
- Tutorial for Language seminar
Autumn 2020 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- History of the Mediterranean
- Introduction to Mediterranean Studies
- Language Practice in Romance Language I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Major (Diploma) B. A. Thesis Seminar
- Master’s Thesis
- Practical Italian III
- Practical Italian V
Spring 2020 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- Bachelor's State Exam
- Intensive Study Course
- Language Practice in Romance Language II
- Lexicology and Lexicography
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- M. A. State Final Exam
- Major (Diploma) B. A. Thesis Seminar
- Master’s Thesis
- Master's State Exam
- Practical Italian IV
- Practical Italian VI
- Tutorial for Language seminar