doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Michálek, CSc.
Total number of publications: 87
Mathematical model for cancer prevalence and cancer mortality
Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, year: 2013, volume: 2013, edition: 2
Forecasting of Daily PM10 Concentrations in Brno and Graz by Different Regression Approaches
Austrian Journal of Statistics, year: 2012, volume: Volume 41, edition: Number 4
Dynamická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu
Year: 2011, edition: Vyd. první, number of pages: 379 s.
Comparing the Estimates of ROC Curves by Modeling Methods
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, year: 2010, volume: 46, edition: 6
Analysis of PM10 air pollution in Brno based on generalized linear model with strongly rank-deficient design matrix
Environmetrics, year: 2009, volume: 20, edition: 6
Application of Multivariate Classification Techniques to Assessment of Competitiveness of Chosen European Union Regions
Problems of decision making under uncertainties, year: 2009
Hodnocení konkurenceschopnosti vybraných regionů Evropské unie
Ekonomický časopis, year: 2009, volume: 57, edition: 2
Sparse estimates in GLM with environmental application
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Epidemiologický vývoj nádorů ledvin a močového měchýře v ČR
Sborník XV. Jihočeské onkologické dny, year: 2008
Faktory podnikatelského prostředí a jejich klasifikační síla
Forum Statisticum Slovacum, year: 2008, volume: 4, edition: 6