JUDr. Zdeněk Nový, Ph.D., LL.M.
Assistant professor, Department of International and European Law
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Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Dr. Zdeněk Nový, Ph.D., LL.M. (EUI)
- Department
- Department of International and European Law Faculty of Law Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic
- Employment - Position
- senior teaching assistant in Public International and European laws
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- LL.M. in International, European and Comparative Laws (2013); Ph.D. in Private International Law (2012); Master in Law and Legal Science (2006). JUDr. in Public International Law (2020)
- Employment
- Senior teaching assistant 2012-nowadays; teaching assistant 2009-2012.
- Teaching Activities
- Teaching of Public International law in master courses and a Ph.D. programme in International and European law; Introduction into European and International laws (master courses);Introduction into Investment Law and Arbitration (in English); Public International Law: Alternative Seminar (in English).
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Fields of interest: Public International law, Arbitration, Comparative law, Legal Theory. The current resarch topics include namely international treaties;international investment arbitration; history of international law and its doctrines. Participation in multiple scientific projects in comparative, European and International laws: The role of public interest in international commercial and investment arbitration (the Czech Funding Agency); Interpretation in International law and legal theory (Specific Research, Faculty of Law); Immoral contracts (within the Common Core Project, Turin, Italy); An ADR/ODR mechanism for B2C disputes in the EU (with prof. Hans W. Micklitz (EUI) and the BEUC); The horizontal effect of human rights in international law (Specific Research, the Faculty of Law, MU); The legal aspects of sovereign debt (an intra-departmental research, the Faculty of Law, MU); The implementation of the EU private law in Central and Eastern Europe (with prof. Fabrizio Cafaggi, EUI); The participation in approx. 20 national and international academic conferences (Czech Republic, Italy, slovakia, Spain, the UK); co-organizing of workshops and conferences (e.g. with the Arbitration Institute of the SCC, the WTO, or COFOLA International).
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2020/02/03 – 2020/03/10: European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Erasmus+, ITA
- 2010/10/01 – 2011/03/31: European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, ITA
- 2009/12/12 – 2009/12/13: International University College of Turin, Torino, ITA
- 2009/07/09 – 2009/07/27: International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Roma, ITA
- 2008/07/07 – 2008/07/25: Hague Academy of International Law, Hague, NLD
- 2007/10/01 – 2007/12/18: European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, ITA
- University Activities
- Guarantor of the subjects in Ph.D. studies; Member of the committees for defence of master theses; Supervisor of master theses; Reader of J.D. theses; Reader of Ph.D. theses; Coach, advisor and judge/arbitrator in moot courts (the Willem C. Vis Moot, the FDI Moot, Phillip C. Jessup Moot, the WTO Moot).
- Activities Outside University
- Member of the OVHP 1 SHVA - social, human and art sciences (the evaluation of scientific quality of legal research); Czech Society of International Law Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) Spanish Arbitration Club
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- Citations and references in 14 countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine, the UK, the US).Approx. number of citations home and abroad is 100; Zdeněk was invited as a speaker to the following international conferences and workshops (selected): Loyola Andalucia University, Sevilla, Spain (2018); The University of Cambridge, the UK (2015); The University of Essex, Colchester, the UK (2015); Brunel University, London, the UK (2014); the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic (2013). The Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic in Kroměříž (2012) International Unversity College, Turin, Italy (2008). His Ph.D thesis was submitted by the Faculty of Law for the award of the best Ph. D thesis to the Head of Masaryk University (2012, 2013); Attorney at law (the Czech Bar Association) focusing in his practice on public international law and arbitration. Arbitrator in various international arbitration institutions. Holder of various scholarships by, e.g. the Czech Government, the Hague Academy of International Law, the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University,Foundation Sophia.
- Major Publications
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. K tzv. evolutivní interpretaci mezinárodních smluv. Právní rozhledy. Praha: C.H. BECK, 2016, roč. 24, č. 9, s. 319-327. ISSN 1210-6410. Repozitář MU info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. The Role of the UNIDROIT in the Unification of International Commercial Law with a specific focus on the Principles of International Commercial Contracts. In Bělohlávek, Alexander j., Černý, F., Rozehnalová, N. The Role of Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations in the 21st Century. 1. vyd. New York: Juris Publishing Inc., 2014, s. 341-362. Czech Yearbook of International Law. ISBN 978-1-57823-344-1. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Nejlepší zájem dítěte při rozhodování o navrácení dítěte dle Haagské úmluvy o civilních aspektech únosů dětí ve světle lidsko-právních závazků ČR. Právní rozhledy. Praha: C.H. BECK, 2014, roč. 22, 13-14, s. 457-463. ISSN 1210-6410. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Role imunity státu v mezinárodním investičním právu. In VII.slovensko-české medzinárodnoprávne sympózium. 2014. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Ochrana spotřebitele a rozhodčí řízení. In Kulatý stůl: NS ČR. 2013. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Princip „poctivosti“ dle Draft Common Frame of Reference jako inspirace pro výklad § 6 (1) Vládního návrhu občanského zákoníku. Právní rozhledy. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2012, roč. 20, č. 2, s. 46-54. ISSN 1210-6410. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Dobrá víra jako princip smluvního práva v mezinárodním obchodu. 1. vyd. Praha: C. H. BECK, 2012, 232 s. Edice právní instituty. ISBN 978-80-7400-376-9. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Spotřebitelské úvěry a rozhodčí řízení. Jurisprudence. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2010, XIX, č. 7, s. 22-30. ISSN 1802-3843. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Limitující funkce dobré víry v právu mezinárodních obchodních smluv. In COFOLA 2010: the Conference Proceedings. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita 2010, 2010, s. 1817-1833. ISBN 978-80-210-5151-5. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Tronc commun v mezinárodním rozhodčím řízení. Právní rozhledy. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2009, roč. 17, č. 6, s. 208-215. ISSN 1210-6410. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Arbitration Clause as Unfair Contract Term from the Perspective of Czech and EC Law. Global Jurist. Berkeley, CA, USA: The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2009, roč. 9, č. 4, s. 1-36. ISSN 1934-2640. URL info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Nekalá rozhodčí doložka v českém právu. In KYNCL, Libor, David SEHNÁLEK, Radovan DÁVID a Jiří VALDHANS. Dny práva – 2009 – Days of Law. Sborník příspěvků. 1.vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009, s. 1797-1817, 20 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4990-1. URL URL info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Arbitration Clause as Unfair Contract Term: Some observations on the ECJ´s Claro case. In Cofola 2008. 1.vydání. Brno: Právnická fakulta MU, 2008, s. 76-89., 14 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4629-0. info
- NOVÝ, Zdeněk. Význam Pasquale Stanislao Manciniho pro rozvoj mezinárodního práva soukromého. Právní rozhledy. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2007, roč. 15/2007, č. 15, s. 551-556. ISSN 1210-6410. info