doc. PaedDr. Marie Blahutková, Ph.D.
Field of study: Kinanthropology
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- The share of value orientations on the current sports performances at track cycling athletes – graduate 2018
- Dynamics of the subjective experience depending on the value orientation of football referees – graduate 2016
- Comparison of Health Promotion in School Educational Programmes at Selected Primary Schools in Brno – graduate 2013
- Use of Psychomotricity in Order to Prevent the Burnout Syndrome in Helping Professions – graduate 2013
- Impact of teambuilding program based on movements activities on professional relations of administrative employees in banking sector – graduate 2013
- Research of aggressiveness in the relationship between athletes in figure skating couples – graduate 2013
- Share of influence of aqua aerobic on current life staisfaction for university students – graduate 2012
- Research of Impact of the Halliwick Swimming Concept Lessons on Changes of Subjective Psychical States in People with Physical Disabilities – graduate 2012
- Personal and cognitional correlation influencing dance creativity – graduate 2011
- The influence of value orientations of performance at women sport gymnastics – graduate 2010
- The Influence of the Adapted Physical Activities on the Personality of Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy – graduate 2010
- The influence of children play specialist on state of selected mental and kinetic competenc of the children with orthopaedic defects – graduate 2009
- The Halliwick Swimming Method's Influence on the Life Quality of Disabled People – graduate 2009
- The impact of juggling and other psychomotor activities on the development of motor skills and attention in adolescents with symptoms of ADHD, behaviour and learning disorders. – graduate 2008
- The influence of a playing specialist on some life's dimensions of oncologically ill children. – graduate 2008
- The influence of psychomotorics on the development of attention and fine motorics of aurally handicapped people – graduate 2006
- Vzájemná souvislost mezi motorickou lateralitou a zručností (jemná motorika) a srovnání u zrakově postižené populace a běžné populace – graduate 2005
Field of study: Social Psychology
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Influence of Psychomotor Activities on the Attention of Younger School-aged Children – graduate 2013