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Office hours
Courses taught
Spring 2017 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Disertation thesis preparation - seminar (HEN910g, HEN910h, HEN910x)
- Lifestyle and Environmental Issues
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Placement Abroad
- Research Seminar I.
- Research Seminar II.
- Research Seminar III.
- Research Seminar IV.
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation
Autumn 2016 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Disertation thesis preparation - seminar (HEN910a, HEN910b, HEN910c, HEN910d, HEN910e, HEN910f, HEN910g, HEN910h, HEN910x)
- Introduction to Biology
- Introduction to Environmental Humanities
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Placement Abroad
- Research Seminar I.
- Research Seminar II.
- Research Seminar III.
- Research Seminar IV.
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation
- Study Visit
Spring 2016 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Příprava disertační práce - seminář (HEN910b, HEN910c, HEN910e, HEN910f, HEN910g, HEN910h, HEN910x)
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Current Questions in Environmental Humanities
- Discussion about the disertation thesis
- Disertation thesis preparation – seminar (HEN910a, HEN910d)
- Dissertation-related Study Topic II.
- Lifestyle and Environmental Issues
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Placement Abroad
- Research Seminar I.
- Research Seminar II.
- Research Seminar III.
- Research Seminar IV.
Autumn 2015 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Příprava disertační práce - seminář (HEN910b, HEN910e, HEN910f, HEN910g, HEN910h, HEN910x, HEN918)
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Curent Questions of Environmental Humanities
- Disertation thesis preparation – seminar (HEN910a, HEN910c)
- Dissertation preparation
- Dissertation Projects Seminar
- Dissertation-related Study Topic II.
- Introduction to Biology
- Introduction to Environmental Humanities
- Introduction to Environmental Studies - seminar
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Placement Abroad
- Public Presentation of Dissertation
- Research Seminar I. (HEN910d, HEN911)
- Research Seminar II.
- Research Seminar III.
- Research Seminar IV.
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation
- Study Visit