MUDr. Vladimír Kojecký, Ph.D.
Second Department of Internal Medicine
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Total number of publications: 21
A head-to-head comparison of 4-L polyethylene glycol and low-volume solutions before colonoscopy: which is the best? A multicentre, randomized trial
International Journal of Colorectal Disease, year: 2017, volume: 32, edition: 12, DOI
Efektivní příprava střeva před koloskopií nízkoobjemový PEG v děleném režimu
Vnitřní lékařství, year: 2016, volume: 62, edition: 4
Efficacy and Tolerance of Low-Volume Polyethylene Glycol/Ascorbic Acid and Magnesium Citrate/Picosulfate in Single or Split Dosing for Colonoscopy Preparation: a Multicenter Randomized Trial
Year: 2015, type: Conference abstract
Serum Vitamin D levels in inflammatory bowel disease, effect of oral supplementation
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract
Influence of long-term immunomodulator therapy on pANCA/ASCA status in inflamatory bowel disease
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Efficacy of long-term itopride therapy in diabetic gastroparesis
Year: 2010, type: Conference abstract
Efektivita omeprazolu a baclofenu u osob s nekardiální bolestí na hrudi
Year: 2007, type: Conference abstract
12 week itopride therapy for gastroparesis improved gastric emptying and dyspeptic symptoms without change of long-term control of diabetes
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract
Klinický obraz poruch evakuace žaludku
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract
Má rychlost evakuace žaludku rozhodující vliv na postprandiální glykémii u diabetiků II.typu léčených perorálními antidiabetiky nebo inzulínem?
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract